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MySQL - Storing UUID

To store a UUID (128-bit unsigned integer). 128-bits = 16 bytes so use BINARY(16).

drop table if exists `some_table`;
create table `some_table` (
  uuid binary(16) not null primary key

In order to store the UUID properly, the dashes should be removed and the UUID converted from hexadecimal representation to its binary form. This could be done in a single step with: UNHEX(REPLACE('id', '-', '')). Loading it from the a file could be done this way:

load data infile '/tmp/test.txt' 
into table `some_table`
fields terminated by '\t' 
lines terminated by '\n'
ignore 1 lines
set id = unhex(replace(@var1, '-', ''));

Of course when retrieving the 'uuid' field, you’ll need to HEX('id').

mysql/storing_uuid.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/15 10:30 by

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