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Docker - Things to know about Docker

Here the basic terms in the docker world that you should know.

Docker Images

A Docker image is the basic template for a Docker container.

An image usually contains the OS and applications that readily installed.

The Docker image is used to run the container, you can find many images with a variety of operating systems and software that has been installed in the Docker Hub

Docker Container

Docker Container is an image which can be read and written to that runs on top of the Docker image.

Docker is using the union-file-system as backend for the container, any changes that are made in the container will be saved in a new layer above the base image.

The container is the layer where we install applications in. Each container that runs isolated in the host machine and therefore, provides a secure application platform.

Docker Registry

Docker registry is a repository for Docker images.

It provides public and private repositories.

The public Docker registry is called the Docker Hub. Here we can push and pull our own images.

docker/things_to_know_about_docker.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/15 10:30 by

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