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VIM - Cheatsheet - Search and replace

    /pattern - search for pattern
    ?pattern - search backward for pattern

    \vpattern - 'very magic' pattern: non-alphanumeric characters are interpreted as special regex symbols (no escaping needed)

    n - repeat search in same direction
    N - repeat search in opposite direction

    :%s/old/new/g - replace all old with new throughout file
    :%s/old/new/gc - replace all old with new throughout file with confirmations

    :noh[lsearch] - remove highlighting of search matches

Search in multiple files

    :vim[grep] /pattern/ {`{file}`} - search for pattern in multiple files


:vim[grep] /foo/ **/*
    :cn[ext] - jump to the next match
    :cp[revious] - jump to the previous match
    :cope[n] - open a window containing the list of matches
    :ccl[ose] - close the quickfix window
vim/cheatsheet/search_and_replace.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/16 10:44 by peter

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