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Ubuntu - Windows - Run windows cmd from linux

To run windows cmd from linux box, there is one tool you could use, which is winexe. You can download the installer from here. There are 2 ways to install this tool:

1. Use the preinstalled version.

  • Download from here.
  • Unpack the bz2 file: # bunzip2 winexe-static-081123.bz2.
  • Change mod to allow execute: # chmod +x winexe-static-081123.
  • Make soft link in your /usr/local/bin: # ln -s winexe-static-081123 /usr/local/bin/winexe.

2. Compile from source.

  • Install necessary packages (gcc, svn, *-devel….)
  • Get sources from here.
  • Unpack the source file: # tar -xvjf winexe-source-081123.tar.bz2.
  • Compile according to README file:
    • cd to unpacked tar.bz2 sources.
    • ./
    • ./configure.
    • make proto bin/winexe.
  • Compiled file will be located in wmi/Samba/source/bin/winexe.
  • Install winexe:
    • install -s wmi/Samba/source/bin/winexe /usr/local/bin/winexe.

To use it is very simple:

winexe -U foo -W WORKGROUP -n FOO-PC // "cmd.exe"


  • -U for username.
  • -W for workgroup.
  • -n for target machine netbios name.
  • is the ip address of the target machine.
  • cmd.exe is to start the windows command prompt.

Once connected, you will get command prompt like below:

Microsoft Windows [Version 5.2.3790]
(C) Copyright 1985-2003 Microsoft Corp.


To quit, just type exit at the windows command prompt.

ubuntu/windows/run_windows_cmd_from_linux.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/15 10:30 by

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