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Ubuntu - Speed up Ubuntu - Reduce the Default Grub Load Time

While booting up a laptop, the Grub shows the options of dual booting OS or recovery to choose.

Normally a user gets 10 seconds time to choose.

That means user have to wait up to 10 seconds or need to hit enter to get inside.

So it’s better to reduce the Grub load time, but remember don’t make it 0 seconds, then you will lose to select the OS from boot or recovery. Here how to do it.

sudo gedit /etc/default/grub

Change GRUB_TIMEOUT=10 to GRUB_TIMEOUT=2. This will make the Grub load time to 2 seconds. After that to make the change effective, run the following command.

sudo update-grub
ubuntu/speed_up_ubuntu/reduce_the_default_grub_load_time.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/15 10:30 by

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