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Ubuntu - SpamAssassin - Train SpamAssassin with Ham and Spam

Train with Spam.

sa-learn --showdots --mbox --spam spamfolder

Train with Ham.

sa-learn --showdots --mbox --ham hamfolder

NOTE: SpamAssassin needs at least 200 Ham and Spam message before it becomes fully trained. Everything above just makes it “safer” as in “more valid” or “accurate”. With auto-learning these numbers will increase over time and also decrease as statistics of old mails will be dropped over time.

Automate learning

This learning can be automated by:

  • Create a dedicated email account for Spam and another dedicated account for Ham.
  • When a user receives any Spam they should forward this onto the inbox of the Spam email account.
  • Users can also copy non-spam email to the inbox of the Ham email account.
  • Run a cron job to train against the Spam in the Spam email account.

The script for the Spam can be something like:

/usr/bin/sa-learn -u <username> --spam /home/domain/<user>/Maildir/.<folder name>/cur/  
/usr/bin/find /home/domain/homes/<user>/Maildir/.<folder name>/cur/ -mtime+28 -exec rm {} \;

WARNING: Do not have the <user> and <folder name> point to account of an actual user.

This should instead point to the the email account that holds the spam.

Have ham learning be done as:

/usr/bin/sa-learn -u <username> --ham /home/domain/<user>/Maildir/.<folder name>/cur/  

WARNING: Do not have the <user> and <folder name> point to account of an actual user.

This should instead point to the the email account that holds the Ham.

ubuntu/spamassassin/train_spamassassin_with_ham_and_spam.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/15 10:30 by

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