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Ubuntu - Networking - Netplan - Configure networking with Netplan

Netplan is based on YAML based configuration system that makes configuration process very simple.

Netplan has replaced the old configuration file /etc/network/interfaces that we previously used for configuring network interfaces in Ubuntu.

Configuration Files

Netplan configuration files are at /etc/netplan/*.yaml.

  • Ubuntu server defaults to using system-networkd with the configuration file named 01-netcfg.yaml,
  • Ubuntu desktop generates a configuration file for Network-Manager named 01-network-manager-all.yaml.

NOTE: If you have multiple interfaces, use 02-network-manager-all.yaml for the second interface.

Netplan applies the configuration in the numerical order; i.e. the 01 file will be applied before the 02 file.

Find the name of the active network interfaces that you want to configure

ip a



NOTE: Note the interface name that you want to configure using Netplan.

  • In this case, enp3s0.

Edit the netplan file.

# Let NetworkManager manage all devices on this system
#  version: 2
#  renderer: NetworkManager

  version: 2
  #renderer: NetworkManager
  renderer: networkd
      dhcp4: no
      # disable existing configuration for ethernet
      #addresses: []
        #addresses: []
      dhcp6: no
  # add configuration for bridge interface
      interfaces: [enp3s0]
      dhcp4: no
      addresses: []
        addresses: []
        #addresses: [,,,,]
        # stp: false
        stp: true
        forward-delay: 4
      dhcp6: no


  • renderer: Either networkd or NetworkManager.
    • networkd uses the settings in the Netplan config file. This is preferred.
    • NetworkManager uses the settings in the Ubuntu Network GUI settings.
  • stp: Defines whether the bridge should use Spanning Tree Protocol
  • forward-delay: Specifies the period of time the bridge will remain in the Listening and Learning states before getting to the Forwarding state.


Before applying any changes, test the configuration file:

sudo netplan try

Apply Configuration

sudo netplan apply

NOTE: In case you see any error, try debugging to investigate the problem.

To run debug:

sudo netplan –d apply

Restart the network service

On Ubuntu Desktop

sudo systemctl restart network-manager

On Ubuntu Server

sudo systemctl restart system-networkd

Verify IP Address

ip a

ubuntu/networking/netplan/configure_networking_with_netplan.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/15 09:29 by peter

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