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Ubuntu - Networking - ARP - Fine tune ARP

The linux kernel ARP module supports lots of fine tuning options.

Most of which are modified using files located inside /proc.

You can find ARP related kernel files inside /proc/sys/net/ipv4/neigh/default.

ls /proc/sys/net/ipv4/neigh/default


anycast_delay           gc_interval    locktime       retrans_time_ms
app_solicit             gc_stale_time  mcast_solicit  ucast_solicit
base_reachable_time     gc_thresh1     proxy_delay    unres_qlen
base_reachable_time_ms  gc_thresh2     proxy_qlen     unres_qlen_bytes
delay_first_probe_time  gc_thresh3     retrans_time

You can grab explanations to these files and their entries from here: ARP Kernel Module Options.

ubuntu/networking/arp/fine_tune_arp.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/07 10:17 by peter

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