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Ubuntu - Bash - Scripts - ll

Long listing of files


ll [-m] [ls options] file [file...]


# @(#) ll v1.0   Long listing of files.
if [ "$1" = "-m" ]
then MORE="| /usr/bin/more"
else MORE=""
eval /bin/ls -al $@ MORE


Issuing a list of files with source code on C language in the long format.

ll *.c

Displays a list of all files in the directory /etc, the names of which can be in variance of the word mount (for example, mount, umount, unmountable).

ll /etc/*mount*

First, the who command is executed, where the result is passed to the awk command , which cuts out the device name and prefixes it with /dev/.

As a result, a list of full path names of all terminal devices registered in the system, is passed to the ls -li command line.

The printout returns the information about the inode (inode) for each terminal device due to the -i flag.

ll -i `who|awk '{print "/dev/" $2}'`

Displays a long list format all archive files in a directory /lib. This directory contains library for the system compilers.

ll `kind -a /lib`

Displays all the usual information plus inode number for all files in the directory /dev a page at a time.

ll -m -i /dev
ubuntu/bash_-_scripts/ll.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/15 09:30 by

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