Proxmox - Guests (VMs and Containers)
VMs are virtual machines powered by QEMU:
- Separate OS.
- Completely separate kernel.
- Completely isolated from the host OS.
- Some additional overhead.
- Devices such as GPUs, drives or USB controllers have to be passed in entirely.
- Limited support for passing through single HDDs, but not recommended.
- Share the same kernel as the host.
- Less overhead.
- Greater performance.
- Constrained to only being Linux, but any distribution.
- As LXC processes use the same kernel, it means sharing access to things like GPUs and storage is significantly easier, and with less overhead.
- To access storage on the host, just bind mount it in with almost 0 overhead - No PCI pass-through necessary.
proxmox/guests_vms_and_containers.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/07 11:11 by peter