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Microsoft Excel - Macros - Display - Display a message to the user

' Displays a message to the user, optionally adding in how long the process ran and the queryname.
' Depending on the Developer Control settings it will display a System modal message.
Function Message(msg As String, Optional elapsedtime As Single, Optional queryname As String)
    Dim msg_to_show As String
    msg_to_show = msg
    If Not IsMissing(elapsedtime) And elapsedtime > 0 Then
        If msg_to_show <> "" Then
            msg_to_show = msg_to_show & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
        End If
        If Not IsMissing(queryname) Then
            msg_to_show = msg_to_show & "The query """ & queryname & """ took " & elapsedtime _
                    & " seconds to run."
            msg_to_show = msg_to_show & "The query took " & elapsedtime & " seconds to run."
        End If
    End If
    If ctrl_use_system_modal_messages = True Then
        If Not IsMissing(queryname) Then
            MessageBox &H0, msg_to_show, wb_name & "-" & queryname, vbSystemModal
            MessageBox &H0, msg_to_show, wb_name, vbSystemModal
        End If
        MsgBox msg_to_show
    End If
End Function
microsoft_excel/macros/display/display_a_message_to_the_user.txt · Last modified: 2021/08/04 16:12 by peter

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