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Microsoft Excel - Macros - Compare - Compare Rows

Sub CompareRows()
    Dim Row1 As Range
    Dim Row2 As Range
  'Prompt user for the first row range to compare...
    Set Row1 = Application.InputBox("Select First Row to Compare", Type:=8)
    'Check that the range they have provided consists of only 1 row...
    If Row1.Rows.Count > 1 Then
      Do Until Row1.Rows.Count = 1
        MsgBox "You can only select 1 row"
        Set Row1 = Application.InputBox("Select First Row to Compare", Type:=8)
    End If
  'Prompt user for the second row range to compare...
    Set Row2 = Application.InputBox("Select Second Row to Compare", Type:=8)
    'Check that the range they have provided consists of only 1 row...
    If Row2.Rows.Count > 1 Then
      Do Until Row2.Rows.Count = 1
        MsgBox "You can only select 1 row"
        Set Row2 = Application.InputBox("Select Second Row to Compare", Type:=8)
    End If
  'Check both row ranges are the same size...
  If Row2.Columns.Count <> Row1.Columns.Count Then
    Do Until Row2.Columns.Count = Row1.Columns.Count
      MsgBox "The second row must be the same size as the first"
      Set Row2 = Application.InputBox("Select Second Row to Compare", Type:=8)
  End If
  'If entire rows have been selected (e.g. $AEmbarrassedA), limit the range sizes to the
  'UsedRange of the active sheet. This stops the routine checking the entire sheet
  If Row1.Columns.Count = 16384 Then
    Set Row1 = Range(Row1.Cells(1), Row1.Cells(ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count))
    Set Row2 = Range(Row2.Cells(1), Row2.Cells(ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count))
  End If
  'Perform the comparison and set cells that are the same to yellow
  Dim intCell As Long
  For intCell = 1 To Row1.Columns.Count
    If Row1.Cells(intCell) <> Row2.Cells(intCell) Then
      Row1.Cells(intCell).Interior.Color = vbYellow
      Row2.Cells(intCell).Interior.Color = vbYellow
      Row1.Cells(intCell).Interior.Color = vbWhite
      Row2.Cells(intCell).Interior.Color = vbWhite
    End If
End Sub
Sub CompareRows2(Row1 As Range, Row2 As Range)
  Dim intCell As Long
  For intCell = 1 To Row1.Columns.Count
    On Error Resume Next
    If Row1.Cells(intCell) <> Row2.Cells(intCell) Then
'        Row1.Cells(intCell).Interior.Color = vbYellow
        Row2.Cells(intCell).Interior.Color = vbYellow
'        Row1.Cells(intCell).Interior.Color = vbWhite
        Row2.Cells(intCell).Interior.Color = vbWhite
    End If
End Sub
Sub CheckRowSame()
' CheckRowSame Macro
  Dim Row1 As Range
  Dim Row2 As Range
  Dim Resource1 As String
  Dim Resource2 As String
  Dim Columns As Integer
  Dim ColumnLetter As String
    Application.Goto Range("A2"), True
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range("A1").Select
    Resource1 = ActiveCell.Text
    Columns = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
    If Columns = 3 Then ColumnLetter = "C"
    If Columns = 4 Then ColumnLetter = "D"
    If Columns = 5 Then ColumnLetter = "E"
    If Columns = 6 Then ColumnLetter = "F"
    If Columns = 7 Then ColumnLetter = "G"
    If Columns = 8 Then ColumnLetter = "H"
    If Columns = 9 Then ColumnLetter = "I"
    If Columns = 10 Then ColumnLetter = "J"
    If Columns = 11 Then ColumnLetter = "K"
    If Columns = 12 Then ColumnLetter = "L"
    If Columns = 13 Then ColumnLetter = "M"
    If Columns = 14 Then ColumnLetter = "N"
    If Columns = 15 Then ColumnLetter = "O"
    If Columns = 16 Then ColumnLetter = "P"
    If Columns = 17 Then ColumnLetter = "Q"
    If Columns = 18 Then ColumnLetter = "R"
    If Columns = 19 Then ColumnLetter = "S"
    If Columns = 20 Then ColumnLetter = "T"
    If Columns = 21 Then ColumnLetter = "U"
    If Columns = 22 Then ColumnLetter = "V"
    If Columns = 23 Then ColumnLetter = "W"
    If Columns = 24 Then ColumnLetter = "X"
    If Columns = 25 Then ColumnLetter = "Y"
    If Columns = 26 Then ColumnLetter = "Z"
    Do While Resource1 <> ""
        Set Row1 = Range("A" & ActiveCell.Row, ColumnLetter & ActiveCell.Row)
'        Resource1 = ActiveCell.Text
        ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range("A1").Select
        Resource2 = ActiveCell.Text
        Set Row2 = Range("A" & ActiveCell.Row, ColumnLetter & ActiveCell.Row)
        If Resource1 = Resource2 Then
            Call CompareRows2(Row1, Row2)
            ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range("A1").Select
            If Resource1 = ActiveCell.Text Then
                ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Range("A1").Select
                Resource1 = ActiveCell.Text
            End If
            ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range("A1").Select
            If Resource2 = ActiveCell.Text Then
                Resource1 = ActiveCell.Text
                ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Range("A1").Select
                Resource1 = ActiveCell.Text
            End If
        End If
    Application.Goto Range("A2"), True
End Sub
microsoft_excel/macros/compare/compare_rows.txt · Last modified: 2021/08/04 16:03 by peter

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