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Games - Elite Dangerous - Taking off from a station

  • Takeoffs and landings are safest done with 4 pips to shields and 2 pips to engines.
    • You won’t need weapons energy.
  • When the clamps release, put away landing gear and vertical thrust straight up.
  • Be cautious, the pads further back in the station have a big antenna sticking out above them - don’t pile into it.
  • At blue power, position your nose so that the docking slot is below the center-line you’re flying at.
  • You want to do this so you intersect the axis of rotation of the docking slot with some clearance.
  • If you aim straight at the slot you’ll meet it at an angle.
  • Assuming nothing’s in the way (smaller ships can fit around most inbound ships), straighten out when the docking port shape is uniform on all sides (i.e, you’re looking straight down the port).
  • Fly towards the port and start rotating clockwise as you finish going through it.
  • Get clear and go about your business.
games/elite_dangerous/taking_off_from_a_station.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/04 21:22 by peter

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