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ffmpeg - Subtitles - ASS file syntax

ASS (Advanced SubStation Alpha) is a newer version of SSA (SubStation Alpha); technically version 4+).

  • SubStation Alpha (SSA) is a subtitling / script format that supports text formatting, animation, graphics and karaoke.

ASS is an improvement upon the SSA V4 specification.

  • ASS files have INI-style sections: each section is preceded by a line containing the sections name, in square brackets.
  • Aside from this, each line is generally composed of: a line descriptor, which tells about what the line is about; a colon; and the line data itself.
  • Any whitespace between these parts are allowed.
  • Blank lines are also allowed.
  • Hard comment lines are preceded by either a semicolon or !: (with “!” as the line descriptor).
  • Unrecognized and incorrect line formats are ignored.

Fields on the line data are separated by a comma and, with the exception of the Text field, which should be the last field, must not contain any commas.

File Specification

SSA and ASS files are plain text files.

  • ASS added Unicode support.


Styles section

The Styles section defines different preset styles that can be used to adjust the appearance of individual lines in the script.

  • The actual name of the section depends on the file version, for ASS this is [V4+ Styles].
  • In the Events section, unrecognized styles are styled with the “Default” style.
  • Unrecognized fonts are assigned to Arial - this may occur when the font is not installed in a target system.

The following is a sample Styles section:

{{c|directive|[V4+ Styles]}}
{{c|key1|Format:}} Name{{c|key|,}} Fontname{{c|key|,}} Fontsize{{c|key|,}} PrimaryColour{{c|key|,}} SecondaryColour{{c|key|,}} OutlineColour{{c|key|,}} BackColour{{c|key|,}} Bold{{c|key|,}} Italic{{c|key|,}} Underline{{c|key|,}} StrikeOut{{c|key|,}} ScaleX{{c|key|,}} ScaleY{{c|key|,}} Spacing{{c|key|,}} Angle{{c|key|,}} BorderStyle{{c|key|,}} Outline{{c|key|,}} Shadow{{c|key|,}} Alignment{{c|key|,}} MarginL{{c|key|,}} MarginR{{c|key|,}} MarginV{{c|key|,}} Encoding
{{c|key1|Style:}} Default{{c|key|,}}Arial{{c|key|,}}28{{c|key|,}}&H00FFFFFF{{c|key|,}}&H1EFFFFFF{{c|key|,}}&H0048001C{{c|key|,}}&H7F000000{{c|key|,}}-1{{c|key|,}}0{{c|key|,}}0{{c|key|,}}0{{c|key|,}}100{{c|key|,}}100{{c|key|,}}0{{c|key|,}}0{{c|key|,}}1{{c|key|,}}1.5{{c|key|,}}0.5{{c|key|,}}2{{c|key|,}}10{{c|key|,}}10{{c|key|,}}10{{c|key|,}}1


  • Format: Defines the format of subsequent Style lines. This is provided for backward-compatibility.
  • Style: Defines a style. The style is subsequently identified by its Name field.


NameIdentifies the style. Case-sensitive.
FontnameThe subtitle font as identified by operating systems.
FontsizeThe point size of the font.
PrimaryColourThe font color. See the Data types section for information on how color values are represented.
SecondaryColourA secondary font color. This may be used in subtitle collisions (SSA) or as the first color displayed in the karaoke.
OutlineColour(SSA uses TertiaryColor) The color used to outline the font.
BackColourThe color of the subtitle shadow.
BoldText formatting that can be applied to the subtitle. Boolean value. (See Data types section.)
Underline (v4+)
Strikeout (v4+)
ScaleX(v4+) These are multipliers that can be used to scale the subtitle.
Angle (v4+)The rotation of the subtitle, in floating-point degrees. The rotation origin depends on the alignment of the subtitle.
BorderStyle1 - Outline with shadow, 3 - Rendered with an opaque box.
OutlineThe width of the text outline, in pixels.
ShadowThe depth of the text shadow, in pixels.
AlignmentThe alignment of the subtitle. See the Data types section.
MarginLLeft margin.
MarginRRight margin.
MarginVVertical margin.
EncodingA number representing the encoding to be used.

Events section

This section contains the different objects to be displayed on screen, each having its corresponding properties, including timing.

The following are the fields available to ASS:

LayerAn integer indicating the layer the subtitle is in. Subtitles having different layer numbers will be ignored during collision detection. Lower layer numbers are drawn first.
StartThe start time of the subtitle. See the Data types section.
EndThe end time of the subtitle.
StyleThe style to be used by the script. Styles are defined in the Styles section.
NameThe person who spoke the dialog.
MarginL4-digit margin override.
EffectAn effect or special directive associated with the line. Possible values are:
Scroll up;<y1|0>;<y2|0>;<delay(1-100)>[;fadeawayheight],
Scroll down;<y1|0>;<y2|0>;<delay(1-100)>[;fadeawayheight]
TextThe subtitle text. This is a special field in the sense that it must always be the last field, and can contain commas.

The following are the Event section descriptors:

DialogueA normal subtitle line.
CommentA commented subtitle line. These will not be displayed on screen.
PictureDisplays a picture with the path specified in the Text field.
SoundPlays a WAV file with the path specified in the Text field.
MoviePlays an AVI file with the path specified in the Text field.
CommandExecutes the program with the path specified in the Text field.

Style overrides

The ASS format has an extensive set of overrides that can be used to modify parts of or whole specific subtitles.

  • All override codes except for \N, \n and \h must be enclosed in curly brackets ({}).
  • Consecutive override codes may be placed inside a single pair of brackets.
  • Override codes typically affect only the text succeeding it, but some codes modify the whole line.
  • All override codes are preceded by a backslash (\) and may contain a parameter, if it must be provided.
  • If an override code requires 2 or more parameters, these are placed inside parentheses and are comma-delimited.

The following is a list of ASS override codes.

Override codeParametersDescription
n Soft line break - the line may break here.
N Hard / forced line break
h Non-breaking space
b0 1Bold; off (0) or on (1)
i0 1Italic; off (0) or on (1)
u0 1Underline; off (0) or on (1)
s0 1Strikethrough; off (0) or on (1)
beblur amountOutline blur (“blur edges”)
fnFont nameChanges the font.
fssizeFont size
fscxPercentFont scaling
fsppixelsFont spacing
fr/frzdegreesRotation around the x/y/z-axes.
fecharsetEncoding number
c/1ccolorPrimary / secondary / outline / shadow colour
alpha/1aalpha valuePrimary / secondary / outline / shadow transparency
analignment codeAlignment
kduration (x0.01s)The duration of time, in centiseconds, the succeeding text will be displayed, until the end of the line or the next k override code. This creates a karaoke effect.
qintegerWrapping style
r[style]Resets all previous override styles, applying the default style. To apply a different style, put it as a parameter.
t([<start>, <end>,][<accel>,]<styles>)Applies a transition animation to the line. The start and end times are in milliseconds, and the styles can be any combination of the available animatable styles.
pos(x,y)Sets the position of the subtitle anchor, where 0,0 is the top-left corner. Note that the subtitle anchor also depends on the line's alignment.
move(x1,y1,x2,y2[,t1, t2])Animates the subtitle position at the specified time or at the entirety of the subtitle time from point 1 to point 2. Time is in milliseconds, relative to the beginning of the subtitle. The subtitle anchor depends on the line's alignment.
org(x,y)Relocates the rotation origin of the subtitle. By default, the subtitle rotates about its anchor.
fadea1,a2,t1,t2,t3,t4Creates a three-part fade animation.
fadfade in duration, fade out durationSets a fade-in and fade-out duration. 0 will effectively disable the effect.
clipx1,y1,x2,y2Clips a subtitle inside a rectangle.
clip[scale,] drawingClips a subtitle inside a drawing.

File attachment

Files can be attached to scripts and are stored as plain text. The method used is a form of UUEncoding.

Data types

  • Color: Color values are expressed in hexadecimal BGR format as &HBBGGRR& or ABGR (with alpha channel) as &HAABBGGRR&.
    • Transparency (alpha) can be expressed as &HAA&. Note that in the alpha channel, 00 is opaque and FF is transparent.
  • Boolean values (Styles section): -1 is true, 0 is false.
  • Alignment: Alignment values are based on the numeric keypad.
    • 1 - bottom left, 2 - bottom center, 3 - bottom right, 4 - center left, 5 - center center, 6 - center right, 7 - top left, 8 - top center, 9 - top right.
    • In addition to determining the position of the subtitle, this also determines the alignment of the text itself.
  • Time: Time is expressed as h:mm:ss:xx (xx being hundredths of seconds).
    • The hour can only be a single digit.


ffmpeg/subtitles/ass_file_syntax.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/30 23:49 by peter

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