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Crypto - Chia - CLI - Plot - Create a Plot

chia plots create -k 32 -b 3389 -u 128 -r 2 -t \chia-temp -d \chia -n 1


  • -k 32: The size of plot you want to create.
    • K=32 is the minimum size of a plot that is considered valid on the Chia Network.
    • It is also the fastest to create.
  • -b 3389: The amount of ram to allocate to the plotter.
    • Not all this ram is used at one.
    • For 2 threads, use a minimum of 3389.
    • For 4 threads, use a minimum of 3408.
    • For 6 threads, use a minimum of 3416.
    • For 8 threads, use a minimum of 3424.
  • -u 128: The bucket size.
    • How many pieces the workload is divided in to.
    • If this is changed to 64, then double the ram amount is needed.
    • There is no noticable change in plot speed messing with this number, so leave it at 128.
  • -r 2: The number of threads for the plotter.
    • The plotter works in four phases.
      • This number only affects phase 1 of a plot.
      • Phase 2, 3, and 4 are all single threaded.
    • Always use at least 2 threads, because 1 thread is really slow.
    • There is about a 30 minute speed improvement using 4 threads instead of 2 threads.
    • But only a 5 minute improvement from 4 threads to 6 threads.
    • Diminishing returns with more.
  • –t \chia-temp: The temporary directory.
    • Ideally use a fast drive here.
  • -d \chia: The final directory.
    • This can be on a slower device.
  • -n 1: The number of plots to create in sequence.


  • -2 \chia-temp2: Specifies the path to the optional second temporary directory.
    • This directory is used only for phase 3 and 4.
  • -e: Disables bitfield plotting.
    • This setting is not recommended!
  • -f NUMBER: The farmer public key can be specified here.
  • -p NUMBER: The public key of a pool can be specified here.
  • -a NUMBER: The fingerprint of the key can be specified here.
    • Useful if you have multiple private keys stored.

NOTE: When running plots in parallel, space them out a bit so that all of them are not trying to write to the final directory at the same time.

crypto/chia/cli/plot/create_a_plot.txt · Last modified: 2021/06/29 23:59 by peter

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