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Chess - Programming - Rating - Estimate Chess Engine Playing Strength

BT Test Suites

Using BT2450 and BT2630 Test Suites can provide an estimated rating.

  • They should contain 30 positions each.
  • Enter each position into your computer, and let it think for 15 minutes (900 seconds).
  • If a position is solved, write down its solution time in seconds.
  • It does not count as a solution if the program finds, the move and then changes its mind.
  • If after finding a move, then changing its mind, then finding it again, you should use the last time found.
  • Any solution that is not found, score as 900 seconds.
  • Add up all the times.
  • Divide by 30.
  • Subtract the result from either 2630 or 2450.
  • The final figure is the ELO rating.

If you find all positions in the BT2630 in 0“ seconds, you have 2630 ELO.

  • Same with BT2450-test-suite.

The BT2450 was too easy for the strong tactic programs, so B and T exchanged some positions and the result is the BT2630 test-suite.





Win at Chess


ELO can be calculated using Ordo

chess/programming/rating/estimate_chess_engine_playing_strength.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/08 13:08 by peter

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