#include <iostream> #include <cassert> #include "layer.h" #include "neuron.h" #include "connection.h" #include "activation.h" //Layer::Layer() : Layer::Layer() // index(-1), // neurons(10) // index(0) //neurons(10) { //idx++; //index++; index = -1; global_bias = 0; neurons.reserve(10); //neurons = std::vector<Neuron>(); //std::cout << "neurons size: " << neurons.size() << std::endl; } Layer::Layer(unsigned int num_neurons) { index = -1; global_bias = 0.0; neurons.reserve(num_neurons); for (unsigned int i = 0; i<num_neurons; i++) { pNeuronX tmp(new Neuron()); tmp->setIndex(i); neurons.push_back(tmp); } /* // Add a bias neuron in each layer. // Force the bias node's output to 1.0 (it was the last neuron pushed in this layer): pNeuronX tmp(new Neuron()); tmp->setIndex(100); tmp->setValue(1); neurons.push_back(tmp); //neurons.back().back().setOutputVal(1.0); //neurons.back()->setValue(1.0); */ } int Layer::getIndex(void) { return index; } void Layer::setIndex(const int& index) { this->index = index; } double Layer::getGlobalBias(void) { return global_bias; } void Layer::setGlobalBias(const double& _global_bias) { this->global_bias = _global_bias; } unsigned int Layer::getSize(void) { return neurons.size(); } void Layer::addNeuron(const pNeuronX& n) { neurons.push_back(n); } void Layer::removeNeuron(const int& idx) { assert(neurons.size() >= idx); for (unsigned i = neurons.size()-1; i > 0; i--) { if (neurons[i]->getIndex() == idx) { neurons.erase(neurons.begin() + i); return; } } } pNeuronX &Layer::getNeuron(const int& idx) { assert(neurons.size() >= idx); return neurons[idx]; } void Layer::feedForward(const pLayerX& prevLayer) { /* // INPUT -> HIDDEN for(y=0; y<hidden_array_size; y++) { for(x=0; x<input_array_size; x++) { temp += (input[pattern][x] * weight_i_h[x][y]); } hidden[y] = (1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-1.0 * (temp + bias[y])))); temp = 0; } // HIDDEN -> OUTPUT for(y=0; y<output_array_size; y++) { for(x=0; x<hidden_array_size; x++) { temp += (hidden[x] * weight_h_o[x][y]); } output[pattern][y] = (1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-1.0 * (temp + bias[y + hidden_array_size])))); temp = 0; } return; } */ for (unsigned int i = 0; i<getSize(); i++) // How many Neurons in current layer. { // Weight sum of the previous layer's output values. double weightedSum = 0; //weightedSum += .5; // Add a 1 to act as a bias. //weightedSum += 1.0; // Add a 1 to act as a bias. weightedSum += global_bias; // Add an amount to act as a bias. pNeuronX& currentNeuron = neurons[i]; if (!currentNeuron) continue; unsigned int currentIndex = currentNeuron->getIndex(); for (unsigned int j = 0; j<prevLayer->getSize(); j++) // How many Neurons in prev layer. { pNeuronX& prevNeuron = prevLayer->getNeuron(j); if (!prevNeuron) continue; //std::cout << "J=" << j << std::endl; for (unsigned int k = 0; k<prevNeuron->getSizeOut(); k++) { if (!prevNeuron->getConnectionOut(k)) continue; if (!prevNeuron->getConnectionOut(k)->getTo()) continue; // We are only interested in connections going into the currentNeuron. unsigned int prevIndex = prevNeuron->getConnectionOut(k)->getTo()->getIndex(); //if (prevNeuron.getConnectionOut(k).getTo() == currentNeuron) if (prevIndex == currentIndex) { weightedSum += prevLayer->getNeuron(j)->getValue()*prevLayer->getNeuron(j)->getConnectionOut(k)->getWeight(); } } } // Add in Bias? //weightedSum += .5; // Add a 1 to act as a bias. //std::cout << "*************" << std::endl; if (currentNeuron) { pActivationX act = currentNeuron->getActivation(); if (!act) continue; // Sigmoid function. Activation function is applied to this intermediate value to yield the local value of the neuron. //currentNeuron->setValue(currentNeuron->sigmoid(weightedSum)); //currentNeuron->setValue(act.activate(weightedSum)); //currentNeuron->setValue(currentNeuron->getActivation()->activate(weightedSum)); currentNeuron->setValue(act->activate(weightedSum)); //std::cout << "------------------" << std::endl; } } // std::cout << "++++++++++++++++" << std::endl; } void Layer::printOutput(void) { std::cout << "Layer " << index << " has " << neurons.size() << " Neurons" << std::endl; for (unsigned int i = 0; i<neurons.size(); i++) { if (!neurons[i]) continue; std::cout << " Neuron[" << i << "] v=" << neurons[i]->getValue() << ", g=" << neurons[i]->getGradient() << std::endl; for (unsigned int j = 0; j<neurons[i]->getSizeOut(); j++) { pConnectionX& currentConnection = neurons[i]->getConnectionOut(j); if (!currentConnection) continue; currentConnection->printOutput(); } } }
brain/layer.cpp.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/15 09:30 by