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AI - LLM - What word comes next

Seed text → Predict next word

  • Probability distribution of possible next words.

Read input (does not have to be purely text, could be any input including sound, images).

  • Helpful is input and output are real numbers; as therefore can do calculus and gradients.

Create a lookup table, associating each word with others words in the same context, such as in the same sentence.

  • Determine what is the probability of that word being the next word, from the list of possible words.
  • Use back-propagation to adjust weights.

Aim for low cost; in determining the next word.

  • cost formula is: cost = -log(probability).
    • A low cost, close to zero, is where the probability is closer to one.
    • A low probability (i.e. not predicting the next word), increases cost very steeply.
  • There is a cost per word, but same applies to entire network.
    • Cost of entire network will be sum or avg of each word cost.

ai/llm/what_word_comes_next.1732904466.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/11/29 18:21 by peter

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