VIM - Cheatsheet - Diff

    zf - manually define a fold up to motion
    zd - delete fold under the cursor
    za - toggle fold under the cursor
    zo - open fold under the cursor
    zc - close fold under the cursor
    zr - reduce (open) all folds by one level
    zm - fold more (close) all folds by one level
    zi - toggle folding functionality

    ]c - jump to start of next change
    [c - jump to start of previous change

    do or :diffg[et] - obtain (get) difference (from other buffer)
    dp or :diffpu[t] - put difference (to other buffer)

    :diffthis - make current window part of diff
    :dif[fupdate] - update differences
    :diffo[ff] - switch off diff mode for current window

NOTE: The commands for folding (e.g. za) operate on one level.

To operate on all levels, use uppercase letters (e.g. zA).

NOTE: To view the differences of files, one can directly start Vim in diff mode by running vimdiff in a terminal.

One can even set this as git difftool.