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Ubuntu - Samba - Mount a Windows Share

Quick Example

sudo mount -t cifs -o username=peter,password=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,uid=peter,gid=peter,forceuid,forcegid,vers=2.1 // /home/peter/Documents/nas_docs

Command line basic syntax

The most basic mount options is:

mount -t cifs -o username=USERNAME,password=PASSWD // /mnt/share

Extended command line mount

If the basic mount does not work, you may need to use extended features

mount -t cifs -o username=USERNAME,password=PASSWD,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 // /mnt/share



USERNAME: By default all the files and directories will be owned by the uid of the process or by root. You can force it otherwise.

sudo id user_name

If, for example, the user id is 1000 then you can use the following…

uid=1000(user_name) gid=1000(user_name) groups=...

dir_mode / file_mode

Setting the uid or gid is fine if you are the only user of the system.

On a multiuser system this is problematic as other users will still be denied.

Therefore use dir_mode / file_mode to give everyone access:


sudo mount -t cifs -o username=${USER},password=${PASSWORD},uid=$(id -u),gid=$(id -g),forceuid,forcegid, //server-address/folder /mount/path/on/ubuntu

fstab persistent mount

Permanently mount the shares so that they will be available after reboot.

Edit the host file

Edit your /etc/hosts file and add the hostname and IP address of the windows share or file server.

...     NAS

Create mount points

Create mount points for each windows share. For example:

mkdir /mnt/public
mkdir /mnt/media
mkdir /mnt/video

Edit /etc/fstab

Edit /etc/fstab and add a line for each windows share. For example:

//remote_machine/public/ /mnt/public cifs username=peter,password=mypassword,iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlm  0  0
//remote_machine/media/ /mnt/media cifs username=peter,password=mypassword,iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlm  0  0
//remote_machine/video/ /mnt/video cifs username=peter,password=mypassword,iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlm  0  0

NOTE: If the system complains add the 'noauto' parameter.

Mount the shares

sudo mount -a

or Reboot.

Extended fstab settings

Make the following entry in your /etc/fstab file :

//server_name/share_name /mount_path cifs defaults,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0

Now when the share is mounted all files and folders will appear as the user with uid 1000.


dir_mode / file_mode

Setting the uid or gid is fine if you are the only user of the system.

On a multiuser system this is problematic as other users will still be denied.

Therefore use dir_mode / file_mode to give everyone access:

//server_name/share_name /mount_path cifs defaults,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0666 0 0

Extende fstab to assign full permissions to newly created files and directories

Add these lines to /etc/smb.conf on the server:

create mask = 0666
force create mode = 0666
directory mask = 0777
force directory mode = 0777

This gives 0777 permission to every samba users in the write list for new created directory or files.

Hide Credentials

Setup a credentials file so you don't need to enter your password in the command; causing it to be stored in your command history in plain-text) or at the prompt (a nuisance).

sudo mount -t cifs //nas/docs /media/peter/nas_docs -o vers=3.11,credentials=/home/peter/.ssh/.smb_nas

Note the credentials option

password=[REAL PASSWORD]