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Ubuntu - Passwords - Password Schemes

Password scheme means the format in which the password is stored in password databases.

The main reason for choosing a scheme other than PLAIN is to prevent someone with access to the password database (such as a hacker) from stealing users' passwords and using them to access other services.

What scheme to use?

You should choose the strongest crypt scheme that's supported by your system. From strongest to weakest:

Note that the above schemes are implemented by the libc's crypt() function. Using them is especially useful when sharing the same passwords with other software, because most of them support using crypt() to verify the password. However, not all libcs (especially older ones) implement all of the above schemes.

Other password schemes that are not in libc.

MD5 based schemes

SHA based schemes (also see below for libc's SHA* support)


The base64 vs. hex encoding that is mentioned above is simply the default encoding that is used. You can override it for any scheme by adding a “.hex”, “.b64” or “.base64” suffix. For example:

This can be especially useful with plaintext passwords to encode characters that would otherwise be illegal. For example in passwd-file you couldn't use a “:” character in the password without encoding it to base64 or hex. For example: {PLAIN}{\}:!“ is the same as {PLAIN.b64}e1x9OiEiCg==.


For the SHA512-CRYPT, SHA256-CRYPT and MD5-CRYPT schemes, the salt is stored before the hash, e.g.: $6$salt$hash. For the BLF-CRYPT scheme, bcrypt stores the salt as part of the hash.

For most of the other salted password schemes (SMD5, SSHA*) the salt is stored after the password hash and its length can vary. When hashing the password, append the salt after the plaintext password, e.g.: SSHA256(pass, salt) = SHA256(pass + salt) + salt.

For example with SSHA256 you know that the hash itself is 32 bytes (256 bits/8 bits per byte). Everything after that 32 bytes is the salt. For example if you have a password:


After base64 decoding it you'll see that its length is 36 bytes, so the first 32 bytes are the hash and the following 4 bytes are the salt:

Other common hash sizes are: