Issue the following command:
sudo vi /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf
and comment out the following lines near the bottom of the file by placing a hash # mark in front:
daemon.*;mail.*;\ news.err;\ *.=debug;*.=info;\ *.=notice;*.=warn |/dev/xconsole
#daemon.*;mail.*;\ # news.err;\ # *.=debug;*.=info;\ # *.=notice;*.=warn |/dev/xconsole
There is a bug in the default installation, in that on a server no /dev/xconsole exists.
Therefore this entire section if commented out.
Issue the following command:
sudo vi /etc/rsyslog.d/20-iptables.conf
and add the following lines to the file:
# Log kernel generated iptable log messages to file :msg,contains,"iptables: " /var/log/iptables.log # Uncomment the following to stop logging anything that matches the last rule. # Doing this will stop logging kernel generated iptables log messages to the file # normally containing kern.* messages (eg, /var/log/kern.log) & ~
This logs all firewall related messages to /var/log/iptables.log.
Issue the following command:
sudo vi /etc/logrotate.d/iptables
and add the following lines to the file:
/var/log/iptables.log { rotate 3 daily missingok notifempty delaycompress compress postrotate /usr/sbin/service rsyslog restart > /dev/null endscript }
A logrotate job is created to run daily to keep the log file from getting too large.
To view the firewall log file, issue the command:
sudo cat /var/log/iptables.log | grep DPT=22 | cut -d" " -f1-4,9,13,14,21,22,23,26
Issue the following command:
sudo service rsyslog restart