Ubuntu - GPU - AMD GPU - AMDGPU - Check Module Parameters

modinfo -p amdgpu


vramlimit:Restrict VRAM for testing, in megabytes (int)
vis_vramlimit:Restrict visible VRAM for testing, in megabytes (int)
gartsize:Size of GART to setup in megabytes (32, 64, etc., -1=auto) (uint)
gttsize:Size of the GTT domain in megabytes (-1 = auto) (int)
moverate:Maximum buffer migration rate in MB/s. (32, 64, etc., -1=auto, 0=1=disabled) (int)
audio:Audio enable (-1 = auto, 0 = disable, 1 = enable) (int)
disp_priority:Display Priority (0 = auto, 1 = normal, 2 = high) (int)
hw_i2c:hw i2c engine enable (0 = disable) (int)
pcie_gen2:PCIE Gen2 mode (-1 = auto, 0 = disable, 1 = enable) (int)
msi:MSI support (1 = enable, 0 = disable, -1 = auto) (int)
lockup_timeout:GPU lockup timeout in ms (default: for bare metal 10000 for non-compute jobs and 60000 for compute jobs; for passthrough or sriov, 10000 for all jobs. 0: keep default value. negative: infinity timeout), format: for bare metal [Non-Compute] or [GFX,Compute,SDMA,Video]; for passthrough or sriov [all jobs] or [GFX,Compute,SDMA,Video]. (string)
dpm:DPM support (1 = enable, 0 = disable, -1 = auto) (int)
fw_load_type:firmware loading type (3 = rlc backdoor autoload if supported, 2 = smu load if supported, 1 = psp load, 0 = force direct if supported, -1 = auto) (int)
aspm:ASPM support (1 = enable, 0 = disable, -1 = auto) (int)
runpm:PX runtime pm (2 = force enable with BAMACO, 1 = force enable with BACO, 0 = disable, -1 = auto) (int)
ip_block_mask:IP Block Mask (all blocks enabled (default)) (uint)
bapm:BAPM support (1 = enable, 0 = disable, -1 = auto) (int)
deep_color:Deep Color support (1 = enable, 0 = disable (default)) (int)
vm_size:VM address space size in gigabytes (default 64GB) (int)
vm_fragment_size:VM fragment size in bits (4, 5, etc. 4 = 64K (default), Max 9 = 2M) (int)
vm_block_size:VM page table size in bits (default depending on vm_size) (int)
vm_fault_stop:Stop on VM fault (0 = never (default), 1 = print first, 2 = always) (int)
vm_debug:Debug VM handling (0 = disabled (default), 1 = enabled) (int)
vm_update_mode:VM update using CPU (0 = never (default except for large BAR(LB)), 1 = Graphics only, 2 = Compute only (default for LB), 3 = Both (int)
exp_hw_support:experimental hw support (1 = enable, 0 = disable (default)) (int)
dc:Display Core driver (1 = enable, 0 = disable, -1 = auto (default)) (int)
sched_jobs:the max number of jobs supported in the sw queue (default 32) (int)
sched_hw_submission:the max number of HW submissions (default 2) (int)
ppfeaturemask:all power features enabled (default)) (hexint)
no_evict:Support pinning request from user space (1 = enable, 0 = disable (default)) (int)
direct_gma_size:Direct GMA size in megabytes (max 96MB) (int)
forcelongtraining:force memory long training (uint)
pcie_gen_cap:PCIE Gen Caps (0: autodetect (default)) (uint)
pcie_lane_cap:PCIE Lane Caps (0: autodetect (default)) (uint)
cg_mask:Clockgating flags mask (0 = disable clock gating) (ullong)
pg_mask:Powergating flags mask (0 = disable power gating) (uint)
sdma_phase_quantum:SDMA context switch phase quantum (x 1K GPU clock cycles, 0 = no change (default 32)) (uint)
disable_cu:Disable CUs (se.sh.cu,...) (charp)
virtual_display:Enable virtual display feature (the virtual_display will be set like xxxx:xx:xx.x,x;xxxx:xx:xx.x,x) (charp)
job_hang_limit:how much time allow a job hang and not drop it (default 0) (int)
lbpw:Load Balancing Per Watt (LBPW) support (1 = enable, 0 = disable, -1 = auto) (int)
compute_multipipe:Force compute queues to be spread across pipes (1 = enable, 0 = disable, -1 = auto) (int)
gpu_recovery:Enable GPU recovery mechanism, (2 = advanced tdr mode, 1 = enable, 0 = disable, -1 = auto) (int)
emu_mode:Emulation mode, (1 = enable, 0 = disable) (int)
ras_enable:Enable RAS features on the GPU (0 = disable, 1 = enable, -1 = auto (default)) (int)
ras_mask:Mask of RAS features to enable (default 0xffffffff), only valid when ras_enable == 1 (uint)
timeout_fatal_disable:disable watchdog timeout fatal error (false = default) (bool)
timeout_period:watchdog timeout period (0 = timeout disabled, 1 ~ 0x23 = timeout maxcycles = (1 << period) (uint)
si_support:SI support (1 = enabled (default), 0 = disabled) (int)
cik_support:CIK support (1 = enabled (default), 0 = disabled) (int)
smu_memory_pool_size:reserve gtt for smu debug usage, 0 = disable,0x1 = 256Mbyte, 0x2 = 512Mbyte, 0x4 = 1 Gbyte, 0x8 = 2GByte (uint)
async_gfx_ring:Asynchronous GFX rings that could be configured with either different priorities (HP3D ring and LP3D ring), or equal priorities (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled (default)) (int)
mcbp:Enable Mid-command buffer preemption (0 = disabled (default), 1 = enabled) (int)
discovery:Allow driver to discover hardware IPs from IP Discovery table at the top of VRAM (int)
mes:Enable Micro Engine Scheduler (0 = disabled (default), 1 = enabled) (int)
mes_kiq:Enable Micro Engine Scheduler KIQ (0 = disabled (default), 1 = enabled) (int)
noretry:Disable retry faults (0 = retry enabled, 1 = retry disabled, -1 auto (default)) (int)
force_asic_type:A non negative value used to specify the asic type for all supported GPUs (int)
use_xgmi_p2p:Enable XGMI P2P interface (0 = disable; 1 = enable (default)) (int)
sched_policy:Scheduling policy (0 = HWS (Default), 1 = HWS without over-subscription, 2 = Non-HWS (Used for debugging only) (int)
hws_max_conc_proc:Max # processes HWS can execute concurrently when sched_policy=0 (0 = no concurrency, #VMIDs for KFD = Maximum(default)) (int)
cwsr_enable:CWSR enable (0 = Off, 1 = On (Default)) (int)
max_num_of_queues_per_device:Maximum number of supported queues per device (1 = Minimum, 4096 = default) (int)
send_sigterm:Send sigterm to HSA process on unhandled exception (0 = disable, 1 = enable) (int)
debug_largebar:Debug large-bar flag used to simulate large-bar capability on non-large bar machine (0 = disable, 1 = enable) (int)
ignore_crat:Ignore CRAT table during KFD initialization (0 = auto (default), 1 = ignore CRAT) (int)
halt_if_hws_hang:Halt if HWS hang is detected (0 = off (default), 1 = on) (int)
hws_gws_support:Assume MEC2 FW supports GWS barriers (false = rely on FW version check (Default), true = force supported) (bool)
queue_preemption_timeout_ms:queue preemption timeout in ms (1 = Minimum, 9000 = default) (int)
debug_evictions:enable eviction debug messages (false = default) (bool)
no_system_mem_limit:disable system memory limit (false = default) (bool)
no_queue_eviction_on_vm_fault:No queue eviction on VM fault (0 = queue eviction, 1 = no queue eviction) (int)
priv_cp_queues:Enable privileged mode for CP queues (0 = off (default), 1 = on) (int)
keep_idle_process_evicted:Restore evicted process only if queues are active (N = off(default), Y = on) (bool)
pcie_p2p:Enable PCIe P2P (requires large-BAR). (N = off, Y = on(default)) (bool)
dcfeaturemask:all stable DC features enabled (default)) (uint)
dcdebugmask:all debug options disabled (default)) (uint)
visualconfirm:Visual confirm (0 = off (default), 1 = MPO, 5 = PSR) (uint)
abmlevel:ABM level (0 = off (default), 1-4 = backlight reduction level)  (uint)
backlight:Backlight control (0 = pwm, 1 = aux, -1 auto (default)) (bint)
tmz:Enable TMZ feature (-1 = auto (default), 0 = off, 1 = on) (int)
reset_method:GPU reset method (-1 = auto (default), 0 = legacy, 1 = mode0, 2 = mode1, 3 = mode2, 4 = baco/bamaco) (int)
bad_page_threshold:Bad page threshold(-1 = auto(default value), 0 = disable bad page retirement, -2 = ignore bad page threshold) (int)
num_kcq:number of kernel compute queue user want to setup (8 if set to greater than 8 or less than 0, only affect gfx 8+) (int)
vcnfw_log:Enable vcnfw log(0 = disable (default value), 1 = enable) (int)
smu_pptable_id:specify pptable id to be used (-1 = auto(default) value, 0 = use pptable from vbios, > 0 = soft pptable id) (int)