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Ubiquiti - Login Credentials - Restoring Cloud Access for an account that no longer exists on a UniFi controller

A UniFi controller may be stuck in a perpetual state of Connecting under Cloud Access Status.

WARNING: This requires manipulation of the UniFi controller database.

  • This could result in a broken system if wrong commands are entered.

SSH into the Controller

Connect to mongodb on the UniFi controller host:

mongo –port 27117

Switch to the UniFi Database

USE ace

Display all admin accounts


NOTE: Take a note of the ubic_uuid associated with each account.

Display all settings


Find the Super Cloud Access Record

Look for the line that begins:

{ "_id" : ObjectId("[objectid]"), "key" : "super_cloudaccess", "enabled" : true, "ubic_uuid" : "[uuid]"

NOTE: Take a note the ubic_uuid listed in this line.

  • If the ubic_uuid matches an account that no longer exists, the cloud connectivity issue may be resolved by changing it to the uuid for a current Ubiquiti community account.
  • If the current UniFi controller account does not have a ubic_uuid shown with its object in the db.admin.find() output, log into that account on the UniFi controller and attempt to enable cloud access for that user.
    • The UniFi controller may not show anything different, but go back to mongo and run db.admin.find() again and a ubic_uuid should now be associated with the admin account.

Update the cloud access to a current account

db.setting.update({ _id: ObjectId("[objectid]") }, { $set: { ubic_uuid: "[uuid of desired user]"}}) 

Exit the mongo CLI


NOTE: Refresh the Cloud Access settings page, and the option to toggle Cloud Access should now be visible, along with a button to Disable and Remove cloud access.

  • It may be necessary to disable cloud access and then turn it on again to restore full connectivity with the new credentials, but these options should now be visible where they were not previously.
  • After updated credentials are entered, Cloud Access should function as expected.