Table of Contents

PFSense - Install pfSense - Configure Interface DHCP

Configure DHCP for the LAN Interface

Navigate to Services → DHCP Server.

Select LAN tab and set the DHCP server as follows:

NOTE: Set each interface to use x.x.x.100-199 for dynamic addresses and reserve x.x.x.10-99 for static allocations.

Depending on the number of devices in your network adjust this to suit your needs.

Configure DHCP for the CLEAR Interface

Navigate to Services → DHCP Server.

Select CLEAR tab and set the DHCP server as follows:

NOTE: Set each interface to use x.x.x.100-199 for dynamic addresses and reserve x.x.x.10-99 for static allocations.

Depending on the number of devices in your network adjust this to suit your needs.

Configure external DNS providers:

NOTE: Change these as required.

Configure DHCP for the IOT Interface

Navigate to Services → DHCP Server.

Select IOT tab and set the DHCP server as follows:

NOTE: Set each interface to use x.x.x.100-199 for dynamic addresses and reserve x.x.x.10-99 for static allocations.

Depending on the number of devices in your network adjust this to suit your needs.

Configure external DNS providers:

NOTE: Change DNS providers as required.

Configure DHCP for the GUEST Interface

Navigate to Services → DHCP Server.

Select CLEAR tab and set the DHCP server as follows:

NOTE: Set each interface to use x.x.x.100-199 for dynamic addresses and reserve x.x.x.10-99 for static allocations.

Depending on the number of devices in your network adjust this to suit your needs.

Return to Install pfSense or continue to NTP Configuration.