Table of Contents

LXC - Mount a directory on host into the Container

Get your uid on the host



uid=1000(peter) gid=1000(peter) groups=1000(peter)

NOTE: On Ubuntu the uid of the first user is usually 1000.

Allow LXD to remap to this id

echo 'root:1000:1' | sudo tee -a /etc/subuid /etc/subgid

Create a container

lxc init ubuntu-daily:z test

Set up the idmap to map both uid and gid 1000 to uid and gid 1000 inside the container

lxc config set test raw.idmap 'both 1000 1000'

Set the host directory to be mounted in the container

lxc config device add test homedir disk source=/home/peter path=/home/ubuntu

Start the container

lxc start test

Check the shared directory in the container

lxc exec test ls /home/ubuntu/

NOTE: This should display any file in the directory that was mapped.