ffmpeg - Conversions - Convert H264 to AV1 - libaom - Constrained Quality

libaom-av1 has a constrained quality (CQ) mode that will ensure that a constant (perceptual) quality is reached while keeping the bitrate below a specified upper bound or within a certain bound.

time ffmpeg -i a.mp4 -c:v libaom-av1 -crf 30 -b:v 2000k -f mp4 out.mp4


real	104m57.062s
user	599m4.884s
sys	0m32.345s


  • Input test size: 75.5M
  • Output test size: 4.8M

NOTE: The quality is determined by the -crf, and the bitrate limit by the -b:v where the bitrate MUST be non-zero.

  • crf: This value can be from 0–63.
    • Lower values mean better quality and greater file size.
    • 0 means lossless.
    • A CRF value of 23 yields a quality level corresponding to CRF 19 for x264 (​source), which would be considered visually lossless.