Cisco - Router - Enable SSH access to the Cisco Router

Set a name for your router

hostname ShareWiz
ip domain-name
username peter password *******
crypto key generate rsa

NOTE: The name for the keys will be:

How many bits in the modulus [512]: 2048


% Generating 2048 bit RSA keys, keys will be non-exportable…[OK]

NOTE: Choose the size of the key modulus in the range of 360 to 2048 for your General Purpose Keys.

This may take some time to generate.

ip ssh version 2


*o?u 1 1:9:31.310:  %SSH-5-ENABLED: SSH 1.99 has been enabled
line vty 0 15
transport input ssh


  • transport input ssh: telnet can also be added at the end if needed:
    transport input ssh telnet