Cisco - Cheat Sheet

Ctrl+P or Up arrowPrevious command.
Ctrl+N or Down arrowNext command.
show historyShows last 10 commands entered by default.
show terminalShows terminal configurations and history buffer size.
terminal history sizeChanges buffer size (the maximum is 256).
Ctrl+AMove cursor to the beginning of the line.
Ctrl+EMove cursor to the end of the line.
Esc+BMove back one word.
Ctrl+BMove back cursor.
Ctrl+FMove forward cursor.
Esc+FMove forward one word.
Ctrl+D (or Backspace)Deletes a single character.
Esc+DDelete from Cursor to end of word.
Ctrl+RRedisplays a line.
Ctrl+UErases a line.
Ctrl+WErases a word.
Ctrl+ZEnds configuration mode and returns to EXEC mode.
Ctrl+CExit Config mode.
TabFinishes typing a command.
Router#?Shows all available commands in current mode.
Router#t?Shows all available commands beginning with the letter t.
Router#telnet ?Shows all available options for the telnet command.