SEE stands for Static Exchange Evaluation.
You cannot discard QxP in MVV/LVA, because it is very possible that the pawn is undefended, which would mean that QxP is a good move.
Of course, if the pawn is defended, it is doubtful that anything significant is gained by searching this move at all.
With a SEE, you can figure out if QxP is a losing capture, and if so, either order the capture so that it is searched last, or simply prune it.
How it works is that you apply a routine that resolves the captures, and then order moves by the amount of material that appears to be won.
SEE allows bad capturing moves to be pruned very drastically, without many important captures being pruned out erroneously, and it improves move ordering.
It also allows pruning out good captures, if they do not seem good enough.