Chess - Programming - Introduction

To create a strong chess program:


Chess programs determine the best move by traversing down a tree of possible moves and opponent moves, up to a certain depth, and then evaluate the resulting positions at the tree tips (leafs, at the end of the search branches) to see which move will lead to the best result, assuming that the opponent will also play the best moves.

The chess search tree is very wide (on average there are 35 legal moves for a chess position), and very deep (the average chess game is 40 moves, or 80 half moves or plies).

The evaluation of chess positions is done by considering many static aspects, starting of course with the material balance, and considering pawn structure, king safety, piece mobility, and many other aspects of the position.

Speed is important, and there are many techniques to improve the search speed of a chess program (including using bitboards and hash tables).

Search Algorithm optimization.

Evaluation function