Table of Contents

Characters - Character Codes


How to use combining diacritical marks:


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ÀCapital A with graveAlt + 019200C0ÀÀCtrl + ` + Shift + a
àLowercase a with graveAlt + 133 or Alt + 022400E0ààCtrl + ` + a
ÁCapital A with acuteAlt + 019300C1ÁÁCtrl + ' + Shift + a
áLowercase a with acuteAlt + 160 or Alt + 022500E1ááCtrl + ' + a
ÂCapital A with circumflexAlt + 019400C2ÂÂCtrl + Shift + 6 + a
âLowercase a with circumflexAlt + 131 or Alt + 022600E2ââCtrl + Shift + 6, a
ÃCapital A with tildeAlt + 019500C3ÃÃCtrl + Shift + ` + a
ãLowercase a with tildeAlt + 022700E3ããCtrl + Shift + `, a
ÄCapital A with umlautAlt + 142 or Alt + 019600C4ÄÄCtrl + Shift + ; + a
äLowercase a with umlautAlt + 132 or Alt + 022800E4ääCtrl + Shift + ;, a
ÅCapital A with ring aboveAlt + 143 or Alt + 019700C5ÅÅCtrl + Shift + 2 + a
åLowercase a with ring aboveAlt + 134 or Alt + 022900E5ååCtrl + Shift + 2, a
ĀCapital A with macronAlt + 02560100 Ā
āLowercase a with macronAlt + 02570101 ā
ĂCapital A with breveAlt + 02580102 Ă
ăLowercase a with breveAlt + 02590103 ă
ĄCapital A with ogonekAlt + 02600104 Ą
ąLowercase a with ogonekAlt + 02610105 ą
ǍCapital A with caronAlt + 046101CD Ǎ
ǎLowercase a with caronAlt + 046201CE ǎ
ǺCapital A with ring above and acuteAlt + 050601FA Ǻ
ǻLowercase a with ring above and acuteAlt + 050701FB ǻ
Capital A with dot belowAlt + 78401EA0 Ạ
Lowercase a with dot belowAlt + 78411EA1 ạ
Capital A with hook aboveAlt + 78421EA2 Ả
Lowercase a with hook aboveAlt + 78431EA3 ả
Capital A with circumflex and acuteAlt + 78441EA4 Ấ
Lowercase a with circumflex and acuteAlt + 78451EA5 ấ
Capital A with circumflex and graveAlt + 78461EA6 Ầ
Lowercase a with circumflex and graveAlt + 78471EA7 ầ
Capital A with circumflex and hook aboveAlt + 78481EA8 Ẩ
Lowercase a with circumflex and hook aboveAlt + 78491EA9 ẩ
Capital A with circumflex and tildeAlt + 78501EAA Ẫ
Lowercase a with circumflex and tildeAlt + 78511EAB ẫ
Capital A with circumflex and dot belowAlt + 78521EAC Ậ
Lowercase a with circumflex and dot belowAlt + 78531EAD ậ
Capital A with breve and acuteAlt + 78541EAE Ắ
Lowercase a with breve and acuteAlt + 78551EAF ắ
Capital A with breve and graveAlt + 78561EB0 Ằ
Lowercase a with breve and graveAlt + 78571EB1 ằ
Capital A with breve and hook aboveAlt + 78581EB2 Ẳ
Lowercase a with breve and hook aboveAlt + 78591EB3 ẳ
Capital A with breve and tildeAlt + 78601EB4 Ẵ
Lowercase a with breve and tildeAlt + 78611EB5 ẵ
Capital A with breve and dot belowAlt + 78621EB6 Ặ
Lowercase a with breve and dot belowAlt + 78631EB7 ặ


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ÇCapital C with cedillaAlt + 128 or Alt + 019900C7ÇÇCtrl + , + Shift + c
çLowercase c with cedillaAlt + 135 or Alt + 023100E7ççCtrl + Shift + 6, a
ĆCapital C with acuteAlt + 02620106 Ć
ćLowercase c with acuteAlt + 02630107 ć
ĈCapital C with circumflexAlt + 02640108 Ĉ
ĉLowercase c with circumflexAlt + 02650109 ĉ
ĊCapital C with dot aboveAlt + 0266010A Ċ
ċLowercase c with dot aboveAlt + 0267010B ċ
ČCapital C with caronAlt + 0268010C Č
čLowercase c with caronAlt + 0269010D č


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ĎCapital D with caronAlt + 0270010E Ď
ďLowercase d with caronAlt + 0271010F ď
ĐCapital D with strokeAlt + 02720110 Đ
đLowercase d with strokeAlt + 02730111 đ


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ÈCapital E with graveAlt + 020000C8ÈÈCtrl + ` + Shift + e
èLowercase e with graveAlt + 138 or Alt + 023200E8èèCtrl + ` + e
ÉCapital E with acuteAlt + 144 or Alt + 020100C9ÉÉCtrl + ' + Shift + e
éLowercase e with acuteAlt + 130 or Alt + 023300E9ééCtrl + ' + e
ÊCapital E with circumflexAlt + 020200CAÊÊCtrl + Shift + 6 + e
êLowercase e with circumflexAlt + 136 or Alt + 023400EAêêCtrl + Shift + 6, e
ËCapital E with umlautAlt + 020300CBËËCtrl + Shift + ; + e
ëLowercase e with umlautAlt + 137 or Alt + 023500EBëëCtrl + Shift + ;, e
ĒCapital E with macronAlt + 02740112 Ē
ēLowercase e with macronAlt + 02750113 ē
ĔCapital E with breveAlt + 02760114 Ĕ
ĕLowercase e with breveAlt + 02770115 ĕ
ĖCapital E with dot aboveAlt + 02780116 Ė
ėLowercase e with dot aboveAlt + 02790117 ė
ĘCapital E with ogonekAlt + 02800118 Ę
ęLowercase e with ogonekAlt + 02810119 ę
ĚCapital E with caronAlt + 0282011A Ě
ěLowercase e with caronAlt + 0283011B ě
Capital E with dot belowAlt + 78641EB8 Ẹ
Lowercase e with dot belowAlt + 78651EB9 ẹ
Capital E with hook aboveAlt + 78661EBA Ẻ
Lowercase e with hook aboveAlt + 78671EBB ẻ
Capital E with tildeAlt + 78681EBC Ẽ
Lowercase e with tildeAlt + 78691EBD ẽ
Capital E with circumflex and acuteAlt + 78701EBE Ế
ếLowercase e with circumflex and acuteAlt + 78711EBF ế
Capital E with circumflex and graveAlt + 78721EC0 Ề
Lowercase e with circumflex and graveAlt + 78731EC1 ề
Capital E with circumflex and hook aboveAlt + 78741EC2 Ể
Lowercase e with circumflex and hook aboveAlt + 78751EC3 ể
Capital E with circumflex and tildeAlt + 78761EC4 Ễ
Lowercase e with circumflex and tildeAlt + 78771EC5 ễ
Capital E with circumflex and dot belowAlt + 78781EC6 Ệ
Lowercase e with circumflex and dot belowAlt + 78791EC7 ệ


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ƒLowercase f with hookAlt + 159 or Alt + 04020192 ƒ


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ĜCapital G with circumflexAlt + 0284011C Ĝ
ĝLowercase g with circumflexAlt + 0285011D ĝ
ĞCapital G with breveAlt + 0286011E Ğ
ğLowercase g with breveAlt + 0287011F ğ
ĠCapital G with dot aboveAlt + 02880120 Ġ
ġLowercase g with dot aboveAlt + 02890121 ġ
ĢCapital G with cedillaAlt + 02900122 Ģ
ģLowercase g with cedillaAlt + 02910123 ģ


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ĤCapital H with circumflexAlt + 02920124 Ĥ
ĥLowercase h with circumflexAlt + 02930125 ĥ
ĦCapital H with strokeAlt + 02940126 Ħ
ħLowercase h with strokeAlt + 02950127 ħ


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ÌCapital I with graveAlt + 020400CCÌÌCtrl + ` + Shift + i
ìLowercase i with graveAlt + 141 or Alt + 023600ECììCtrl + ` + i
ÍCapital I with acuteAlt + 020500CDÍÍCtrl + ' + Shift + i
íLowercase i with acuteAlt + 161 or Alt + 023700EDííCtrl + ' + i
ÎCapital I with circumflexAlt + 020600CEÎÎCtrl + Shift + 6 + i
îLowercase i with circumflexAlt + 140 or Alt + 023800EEîîCtrl + Shift + 6, i
ÏCapital I with umlautAlt + 020700CFÏÏCtrl + Shift + ; + i
ïLowercase i with umlautAlt + 139 or Alt + 023900EFïïCtrl + Shift + ;, i
ĨCapital I with tildeAlt + 02960128 Ĩ
ĩLowercase i with tildeAlt + 02970129 ĩ
ĪCapital I with macronAlt + 0298012A Ī
īLowercase i with macronAlt + 0299012B ī
ĬCapital I with breveAlt + 0300012C Ĭ
ĭLowercase i with breveAlt + 0301012D ĭ
ĮCapital I with ogonekAlt + 0302012E Į
įLowercase i with ogonekAlt + 0303012F į
İCapital I with dot aboveAlt + 03040130 İ
ıLowercase dotless iAlt + 03050131 ı
ǏCapital I with caronAlt + 046301CF Ǐ
ǐLowercase i with caronAlt + 046401D0 ǐ
Capital I with hook aboveAlt + 78801EC8 Ỉ
Lowercase i with hook aboveAlt + 78811EC9 ỉ
Capital I with dot belowAlt + 78821ECA Ị
Lowercase i with dot belowAlt + 78831ECB ị


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ĴCapital J with circumflexAlt + 03080134 Ĵ
ĵLowercase j with circumflexAlt + 03090135 ĵ


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ĶCapital K with cedillaAlt + 03100136 Ķ
ķLowercase k with cedillaAlt + 03110137 ķ


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ĹCapital L with acuteAlt + 03130139 Ĺ
ĺLowercase l with acuteAlt + 0314013A ĺ
ĻCapital L with cedillaAlt + 0315013B Ļ
ļLowercase l with cedillaAlt + 0316013C ļ
ĽCapital L with caronAlt + 0317013D Ľ
ľLowercase l with caronAlt + 0318013E ľ
ĿCapital L with middle dotAlt + 0319013F Ŀ
ŀLowercase l with middle dotAlt + 03200140 ŀ
ŁCapital L with strokeAlt + 03210141 Ł
łLowercase l with strokeAlt + 03220142 ł
Script lowercase lAlt + 84672113 ℓ


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ÑCapital N with tildeAlt + 165 or Alt + 020900D1ÑÑCtrl + Shift + ` + n
ñLowercase n with tildeAlt + 164 or Alt + 024100F1ññCtrl + Shift + `, n
ŃCapital N with acuteAlt + 03230143 Ń
ńLowercase n with acuteAlt + 03240144 ń
ŅCapital N with cedillaAlt + 03250145 Ņ
ņLowercase n with cedillaAlt + 03260146 ņ
ŇCapital N with caronAlt + 03270147 Ň
ňLowercase n with caronAlt + 03280148 ň
ʼnLowercase n preceded by apostropheAlt + 03290149 ʼn


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ÒCapital O with graveAlt + 021000D2ÒÒCtrl + ` + Shift + o
òLowercase o with graveAlt + 149 or Alt + 024200F2òòCtrl + ` + o
ÓCapital O with acuteAlt + 021100D3ÓÓCtrl + ' + Shift + o
óLowercase o with acuteAlt + 162 or Alt + 024300F3óóCtrl + ` + o
ÔCapital O with circumflexAlt + 021200D4ÔÔCtrl + Shift + 6 + o
ôLowercase o with circumflexAlt + 147 or Alt + 024400F4ôôCtrl + Shift + 6, o
ÕCapital O with tildeAlt + 021300D5ÕÕCtrl + Shift + ` + o
õLowercase o with tildeAlt + 024500F5õõCtrl + Shift + `, o
ÖCapital O with umlautAlt + 153 or Alt + 021400D6ÖÖCtrl + Shift + ; + o
öLowercase o with umlautAlt + 148 or Alt + 024600F6ööCtrl + Shift + ;, o
ØCapital O with slashAlt + 021600D8ØØCtrl + / + Shift + o
øLowercase o with slashAlt + 024800F8øøCtrl + / + o
ŌCapital O with macronAlt + 0332014C Ō
ōLowercase o with macronAlt + 0333014D ō
ŎCapital O with breveAlt + 0334014E Ŏ
ŏLowercase o with breveAlt + 0335014F ŏ
ŐCapital O with double acuteAlt + 03360150 Ő
őLowercase o with double acuteAlt + 03370151 ő
ƠCapital O with hornAlt + 041601A0 Ơ
ơLowercase o with hornAlt + 041701A1 ơ
ǑCapital O with caronAlt + 046501D1 Ǒ
ǒLowercase o with caronAlt + 046601D2 ǒ
ǾCapital O with stroke and acuteAlt + 051001FE Ǿ
ǿLowercase o with stroke and acuteAlt + 051101FF ǿ
Capital O with dot belowAlt + 78841ECC Ọ
Lowercase o with dot belowAlt + 78851ECD ọ
Capital O with hook aboveAlt + 78861ECE Ỏ
Lowercase o with hook aboveAlt + 78871ECF ỏ
Capital O with circumflex and acuteAlt + 78881ED0 Ố
Lowercase o with circumflex and acuteAlt + 78891ED1 ố
Capital O with circumflex and graveAlt + 78901ED2 Ồ
Lowercase o with circumflex and graveAlt + 78911ED3 ồ
Capital O with circumflex and hook aboveAlt + 78921ED4 Ổ
Lowercase o with circumflex and hook aboveAlt + 78931ED5 ổ
Capital O with circumflex and tildeAlt + 78941ED6 Ỗ
Lowercase o with circumflex and tildeAlt + 78951ED7 ỗ
Capital O with circumflex and dot belowAlt + 78961ED8 Ộ
Lowercase o with circumflex and dot belowAlt + 78971ED9 ộ
Capital O with horn and acuteAlt + 78981EDA Ớ
Lowercase o with horn and acuteAlt + 78991EDB ớ
Capital O with horn and graveAlt + 79001EDC Ờ
Lowercase o with horn and graveAlt + 79011EDD ờ
Capital O with horn and hook aboveAlt + 79021EDE Ở
Lowercase o with horn and hook aboveAlt + 79031EDF ở
Capital O with horn and tildeAlt + 79041EE0 Ỡ
Lowercase o with horn and tildeAlt + 79051EE1 ỡ
Capital O with horn and dot belowAlt + 79061EE2 Ợ
Lowercase o with horn and dot belowAlt + 79071EE3 ợ


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ŔCapital R with acuteAlt + 03400154 Ŕ
ŕLowercase r with acuteAlt + 03410155 ŕ
ŖCapital R with cedillaAlt + 03420156 Ŗ
ŗLowercase r with cedillaAlt + 03430157 ŗ
ŘCapital R with caronAlt + 03440158 Ř
řLowercase r with caronAlt + 03450159 ř


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ŚCapital S with acuteAlt + 0346015A Ś
śLowercase s with acuteAlt + 0347015B ś
ŜCapital S with circumflexAlt + 0348015C Ŝ
ŝLowercase s with circumflexAlt + 0349015D ŝ
ŞCapital S with cedillaAlt + 0350015E Ş
şLowercase s with cedillaAlt + 0351015F ş
ŠCapital S with caronAlt + 03520160 ŠAlt + Ctrl + Shift + 6 + s
šLowercase s with caronAlt + 03530161 šAlt + Ctrl + Shift + 6, s


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ŢCapital T with cedillaAlt + 03540162 Ţ
ţLowercase t with cedillaAlt + 03550163 ţ
ŤCapital T with caronAlt + 03560164 Ť
ťLowercase t with caronAlt + 03570165 ť
ŦCapital T with strokeAlt + 03580166 Ŧ
ŧLowercase t with strokeAlt + 03590167 ŧ


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ÙCapital U with graveAlt + 021700D9ÙÙCtrl + ` + Shift + u
ùLowercase u with graveAlt + 151 or Alt + 024900F9ùùCtrl + ` + u
ÚCapital U with acuteAlt + 021800DAÚÚCtrl + ' + Shift + u
úLowercase u with acuteAlt + 163 or Alt + 025000F9úúCtrl + ' + u
ÛCapital U with circumflexAlt + 021900DBÛÛCtrl + Shift + 6 + u
ûLowercase u with circumflexAlt + 150 or Alt + 025100FBûûCtrl + Shift + 6, u
ÜCapital U with umlautAlt + 154 or Alt + 022000DCÜÜCtrl + Shift + ; + u
üLowercase u with umlautAlt + 129 or Alt + 025200FCüüCtrl + Shift + ;, u
ŨCapital U with tildeAlt + 03600168 Ũ
ũLowercase u with tildeAlt + 03610169 ũ
ŪCapital U with macronAlt + 0362016A Ū
ūLowercase u with macronAlt + 0363016B ū
ŬCapital U with breveAlt + 0364016C Ŭ
ŭLowercase u with breveAlt + 0365016D ŭ
ŮCapital U with ring aboveAlt + 0366016E Ů
ůLowercase u with ring aboveAlt + 0367016F ů
ŰCapital U with double acuteAlt + 03680170 Ű
űLowercase u with double acuteAlt + 03690171 ű
ŲCapital U with ogonekAlt + 03700172 Ų
ųLowercase u with ogonekAlt + 03710173 ų
ƯCapital U with hornAlt + 043101AF Ư
ưLowercase u with hornAlt + 043201B0 ư
ǓCapital U with caronAlt + 046701D3 Ǔ
ǔLowercase u with caronAlt + 046801D4 ǔ
ǕCapital U with umlaut and macronAlt + 046901D5 Ǖ
ǖLowercase u with umlaut and macronAlt + 047001D6 ǖ
ǗLowercase u with umlaut and macronAlt + 047001D6 ǖ
ǗCapital U with umlaut and acuteAlt + 047101D7 Ǘ
ǘLowercase u with umlaut and acuteAlt + 047201D8 ǘ
ǙCapital U with umlaut and caronAlt + 047301D9 Ǚ
ǚLowercase u with umlaut and caronAlt + 047401DA ǚ
ǛCapital U with umlaut and graveAlt + 047501DB Ǜ
ǜLowercase u with umlaut and graveAlt + 047601DC ǜ
Capital U with dot belowAlt + 79081EE4 Ụ
Lowercase u with dot belowAlt + 79091EE5 ụ
Capital U with hook aboveAlt + 79101EE6 Ủ
Lowercase u with hook aboveAlt + 79111EE7 ủ
Capital U with horn and acuteAlt + 79121EE8 Ứ
Lowercase u with horn and acuteAlt + 79131EE9 ứ
Capital U with horn and graveAlt + 79141EEA Ừ
Lowercase u with horn and graveAlt + 79151EEB ừ
Capital U with horn and hook aboveAlt + 79161EEC Ử
Lowercase u with horn and hook aboveAlt + 79171EED ử
Capital U with horn and tildeAlt + 79181EEE Ữ
Lowercase u with horn and tildeAlt + 79191EEF ữ
Capital U with horn and dot belowAlt + 79201EF0 Ự
Lowercase u with horn and dot belowAlt + 79211EF1 ự


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ŴCapital W with circumflexAlt + 03720174 Ŵ
ŵLowercase w with circumflexAlt + 03730175 ŵ
Capital W with graveAlt + 78081E80 Ẁ
Lowercase w with graveAlt + 78091E81 ẁ
Capital W with acuteAlt + 78101E82 Ẃ
Lowercase w with acuteAlt + 78111E83 ẃ
Capital W with umlautAlt + 78121E84 Ẅ
Lowercase w with umlautAlt + 78131E85 ẅ


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ÝCapital Y with acuteAlt + 022100DDÝÝCtrl + ' + Shift + y
ýLowercase y with acuteAlt + 025300FDýýCtrl + ' + y
ŸCapital Y with umlautAlt + 03760178 ŸCtrl + Shift + ; + y
ÿLowercase y with umlautAlt + 152 or Alt + 025500FFÿÿCtrl + Shift + ;, y
ŶCapital Y with circumflexAlt + 03740176 Ŷ
ŷLowercase y with circumflexAlt + 03750177 ŷ
Capital Y with graveAlt + 79221EF2 Ỳ
Lowercase y with graveAlt + 79231EF3 ỳ
Capital Y with dot belowAlt + 79241EF4 Ỵ
Lowercase y with dot belowAlt + 79251EF5 ỵ
Capital Y with hook aboveAlt + 79261EF6 Ỷ
Lowercase y with hook aboveAlt + 79271EF7 ỷ
Capital Y with tildeAlt + 79281EF8 Ỹ
Lowercase y with tildeAlt + 79291EF9 ỹ


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ŹCapital Z with acuteAlt + 03770179 Ź
źLowercase z with acuteAlt + 0378017A ź
ŻCapital Z with dot aboveAlt + 0379017B Ż
żLowercase z with dot aboveAlt + 0380017C ż
ŽCapital Z with caronAlt + 0381017D Ž
žLowercase z with caronAlt + 0382017E ž

Other Letters

CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ÆCapital AEAlt + 146 or Alt + 019800C6ÆÆCtrl + Shift + 7 + a
æLowercase aeAlt + 145 or Alt + 023000E6ææCtrl + Shift + 7, a
ǼCapital AE with acuteAlt + 050801FC Ǽ
ǽLowercase ae with acuteAlt + 050901FD ǽ
IJCapital IJAlt + 03060132 IJ
ijLowercase ijAlt + 03070133 ij
ĸLowercase kraAlt + 03120138 ĸ
ŊCapital EngAlt + 0330014A Ŋ
ŋLowercase engAlt + 0331014B ŋ
ŒCapital OEAlt + 03380152 ŒCtrl + Shift + 7 + o
œLowercase oeAlt + 03390153 œCtrl + Shift + 7, o
ſLowercase long sAlt + 0383017F ſ
ßLowercase sharp sAlt + 022300DFßßCtrl + Shift + 7, s
ƏCapital SchwaAlt + 0399018F Ə
əLowercase schwaAlt + 06010259 ə
ÐCapital Eth (Icelandic)Alt + 020800D0ÐÐCtrl + ' + Shift + d
ðLowercase eth (Icelandic)Alt + 024000F0ððCtrl + ' + d
ÞCapital Thorn (Icelandic)Alt + 022200DEÞÞ
þLowercase thorn (Icelandic)Alt + 025400FEþþ


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
¹Superscript oneAlt + 018500B9¹¹
²Superscript twoAlt + 253 or Alt + 017800B2²²
³Superscript threeAlt + 017900B3³³
½Vulgar fraction one halfAlt + 171 or Alt + 018900BD½½
Vulgar fraction one thirdAlt + 85312153 ⅓
Vulgar fraction two thirdsAlt + 85322154 ⅔
¼Vulgar fraction one quarterAlt + 172 or Alt + 018800BC¼¼
¾Vulgar fraction three quartersAlt + 019000BE¾¾
Vulgar fraction one fifthAlt + 8533 ⅕
Vulgar fraction two fifthsAlt + 8534 ⅖
Vulgar fraction three fifthsAlt + 8535 ⅗
Vulgar fraction four fifthsAlt + 8536 ⅘
Vulgar fraction one sixthAlt + 8537 ⅙
Vulgar fraction five sixthsAlt + 8538 ⅚
Vulgar fraction one eighthAlt + 8539215B ⅛
Vulgar fraction three eighthsAlt + 8540215C ⅜
Vulgar fraction five eighthsAlt + 8541215D ⅝
Vulgar fraction seven eighthsAlt + 8542215E ⅞


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
Double exclamation markAlt + 19 or Alt + 8252203C ‼
¡Inverted exclamation markAlt + 173 or Alt + 016100A1¡¡Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 1
¿Inverted question markAlt + 168 or Alt + 019100BF¿¿Ctrl + Alt + Shift + /
Left double quotation markAlt + 8220201C““
Right double quotation markAlt + 8221201D””
Double low-9 quotation markAlt + 8222201E„„
Left single quotation markAlt + 82162018‘‘
Right single quotation markAlt + 82172019’’
Single low-9 quotation markAlt + 8218201A‚‚
Single high-reversed-9 quotation markAlt + 8219201B ‛
«Left-pointing double angle quotation markAlt + 174 or Alt + 017100AB««
»Right-pointing double angle quotation markAlt + 175 or Alt + 018700BB»»
Single left-pointing angle quotation markAlt + 82492039‹‹
Single right-pointing angle quotation markAlt + 8250203A››
Horizontal ellipsisAlt + 82302026 …
En dashAlt + 82112013 –
Em dashAlt + 82122014 —
Horizontal barAlt + 82132015 ―
Double low lineAlt + 82152017 ‗
OverlineAlt + 8254203E‾‾
Zero width non-joinerAlt + 8204200C ‌
Zero width joinerAlt + 8205200D ‍

Diacritical Marks

CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
¨UmlautAlt + 016800A8¨¨¨
¯MacronAlt + 017500AF¯&hibar;¯
´AcuteAlt + 018000B4´´Ctrl + ' + Spacebar
¸CedillaAlt + 018400B8¸¸Ctrl + , + Spacebar
ˆModifier letter circumflexAlt + 071002C6 ˆCtrl + Shift + 6, Space
ˇCaronAlt + 071102C7 ˇ
ˉModifier letter macronAlt + 071302C9 ˉ
˘BreveAlt + 072802D8 ˘
˙Dot aboveAlt + 072902D9 ˙
˚Ring aboveAlt + 073002DA ˚
˛OgonekAlt + 073102DB ˛
˜Small tildeAlt + 073202DC ˜
˝Double acuteAlt + 073302DD ˝
̀ Combining grave accentAlt + 07680300 ̀
́ Combining acute accentAlt + 07690301 ́
̃ Combining tildeAlt + 07710303 ̃
̉ Combining hook aboveAlt + 07770309 ̉
̣ Combining dot belowAlt + 08030323 ̣

Currency Symbols

CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
$Dollar signAlt + 36 $
¢Cent signAlt + 155 or Alt + 016200A2¢¢Ctrl + / + c
£Pound signAlt + 156 or Alt + 016300A3££
Euro signAlt + 0128 or Alt + 836420AC €
¥Yen signAlt + 157 or Alt + 016500A5¥¥
¤General currency signAlt + 016400A4¤¤
Dong signAlt + 836320AB ₫
ƒDutch florin sign (Aruba)Alt + 0131 ƒƒ
French franc signAlt + 835520A3 ₣
Lira signAlt + 835620A4 ₤
New sheqel signAlt + 836220AA ₪
Peseta signAlt + 158 or Alt + 835920A7ƒ₧
Rupee signAlt + 8360 ₨

CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
§Section signAlt + 21 or Alt + 016700A7§§
©Copyright signAlt + 016900A9©©Ctrl + Alt + c
®Registered trademark signAlt + 017400AE®®Ctrl + Alt + r
ªFeminine ordinal indicatorAlt + 166 or Alt + 017000AAªª
¬Not signAlt + 170 or Alt + 017200AC¬¬
Reversed not signAlt + 169 or Alt + 89762310 ⌐
µMicro signAlt + 018100B5µµ
Per mille signAlt + 82402030‰‰
PrimeAlt + 82422032 ′
Double primeAlt + 82432033 ″
Care ofAlt + 84532105 ℅
Numero signAlt + 84702116 №
Trademark signAlt + 84822122™™
Ohm signAlt + 84862126 Ω
HouseAlt + 127 or Alt + 89622302 ⌂

Shapes and Shading

CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
Upper half blockAlt + 223 or Alt + 96002580 ▀
Lower half blockAlt + 220 or Alt + 96042584 ▄
Full blockAlt + 219 or Alt + 96082588 █
Left half blockAlt + 221 or Alt + 9612258C ▌
Right half blockAlt + 222 or Alt + 96162590 ▐
Light shadeAlt + 176 or Alt + 96172591 ░
Medium shadeAlt + 177 or Alt + 96182592 ▒
Dark shadeAlt + 178 or Alt + 96192593 ▓
Black squareAlt + 254 or Alt + 963225A0 ■
White squareAlt + 963325A1 □
Black small squareAlt + 964225AA ▪
White small squareAlt + 964325AB ▫
Black rectangleAlt + 22 or Alt + 964425AC ▬
Black up-pointing triangleAlt + 30 or Alt + 965025B2 ▲
Black right-pointing pointerAlt + 16 or Alt + 965825BA ►
Black down-pointing triangleAlt + 31 or Alt + 966025BC ▼
Black left-pointing pointerAlt + 17 or Alt + 966825C4 ◄
LozengeAlt + 967425CA ◊
White circleAlt + 9 or Alt + 967525CB ○
Black circleAlt + 967925CF ●
Inverse bulletAlt + 8 or Alt + 968825D8 ◘
Inverse white circleAlt + 10 or Alt + 968925D9 ◙
White bulletAlt + 970225E6 ◦


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
White smiling faceAlt + 1 or Alt + 9786263A ☺
Black smiling faceAlt + 2 or Alt + 214 or Alt + 9787263B ☻
White sun with raysAlt + 15 or Alt + 9788263C ☼
Female signAlt + 12 or Alt + 97922640 ♀
Male signAlt + 11 or Alt + 97942642 ♂
Spade suitAlt + 6 or Alt + 98242660♠♠
Club suitAlt + 5 or Alt + 98272663♣♣
Heart suitAlt + 3 or Alt + 98292665♥♥
Diamond suitAlt + 4 or Alt + 98302666♦♦
Eighth noteAlt + 13 or Alt + 9834266A ♪
Beamed eighth notesAlt + 14 or Alt + 9835266B ♫

Mathematical Symbols

CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
+Plus signAlt + 43 +
Minus signAlt + 87222212−−
×Multiplication signAlt + 021500D7××
÷Division signAlt + 246 or Alt + 024700F7÷÷
=Equal signAlt + 61 =
±Plus/minus signAlt + 241 or Alt + 017700B1±±
πGreek lowercase letter pi 03C0ππ or ⁄
Fraction slashAlt + 82602044 ⁄
Superscript lowercase nAlt + 252 or Alt + 8319207F ⁿ
Estimated symbolAlt + 8494212E ℮
Partial differentialAlt + 87062202 ∂
IncrementAlt + 87102206 ∆
N-ary productAlt + 8719220F ∏
N-ary summationAlt + 228 or Alt + 87212211∑∑
Division slashAlt + 87252215 ∕
Bullet operatorAlt + 250 or Alt + 87292219 ∙
Square rootAlt + 251 or Alt + 8730221A√√
Proportional toAlt + 8733 ∝∝
InfinityAlt + 236 or Alt + 8734221E ∞
Right angleAlt + 28 or Alt + 8735221F ∟
IntersectionAlt + 87452229 ∩
IntegralAlt + 8747222B∫∫
Top half integralAlt + 244 or Alt + 89922320 ⌠
Bottom half integralAlt + 89932321 ⌡
Almost equal toAlt + 247 or Alt + 87762248≈≈
~Similar (Tilda)Alt + 126 or Alt + 8764 ∼∼
CongruentAlt + 8773 ≅≅
Not equal toAlt + 88002260≠≠
Identical toAlt + 240 or Alt + 88012261≡≡
<Less thanAlt + 60 &lt;&#0060;
Less than or equal toAlt + 243 or Alt + 88042264&le;&#8804;
>Greater thanAlt + 62 &gt;&#0060;
Greater than or equal toAlt + 242 or Alt + 88052265&ge;&#8805;
%PercentAlt + 37 &#0037;
Per millionAlt + 0137 &permil;&#0137;
AngleAlt + 8736 &ang;&#8736;
ThereforeAlt + 8756&there4; &#8756;


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
¦Broken vertical barAlt + 016600A6&brvbar; or &brkbar;&#166;
ºDegree signAlt + 248 or Alt + 017600B0&deg;&#176;
Paragraph signAlt + 20 or Alt + 018200B6&para;&#182;
Middle dotAlt + 249 or Alt + 018300B7&middot;&#183;
BulletAlt + 7 or Alt + 82262022 &#8226;
Leftwards arrowAlt + 27 or Alt + 85922190&larr;&#8592;
Upwards arrowAlt + 24 or Alt + 85932191&uarr;&#8593;
Rightwards arrowAlt + 26 or Alt + 85942192&rarr;&#8594;
Downwards arrowAlt + 25 or Alt + 85952193&darr;&#8595;
Left right arrowAlt + 29 or Alt + 85962194 &#8596;
Up down arrowAlt + 18 or Alt + 23 or Alt + 85972195 &#8597;
\BackslashAlt + 92


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
Superscript 0Alt + 8304 &#8304;
¹Superscript 1Alt + 0185 &sup1;&#0185;
²Superscript 2Alt + 0178 &sup2;&#0178;
³Superscript 3Alt + 0179 &sup3;&#0179;
Superscript 4Alt + 8308 &#8308;
Superscript 5Alt + 8309 &#8309;
Superscript 6Alt + 8310 &#8310;
Superscript 7Alt + 8311 &#8311;
Superscript 8Alt + 8312 &#8312;
Superscript 9Alt + 8313 &#8313;


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
Subscript 0Alt + 8320 &#8320;
Subscript 1Alt + 8321 &#8321;
Subscript 2Alt + 8322 &#8322;
Subscript 3Alt + 8323 &#8323;
Subscript 4Alt + 8324 &#8324;
Subscript 5Alt + 8325 &#8325;
Subscript 6Alt + 8326 &#8326;
Subscript 7Alt + 8327 &#8327;
Subscript 8Alt + 8328 &#8328;
Subscript 9Alt + 8329 &#8329;

Tick Mark and Cross

CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
TickAlt + 0252 &#0252;Type character a and set font to webdings
Alt + 0254 &#0254;
CrossAlt + 0251 &#0251;Type character r and set font to webdings
Alt + 0253 &#0253;
