#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { unsigned short varshort=1; unsigned long varlongunsigned= 2; long varlongsigned = -3; char c='a'; void *p=&c; double d=10; cout<<"value for character:\t\t"<<c; cout<<"\tAddress of charater:\t\t"<<p; cout<<"\nvalue for double:\t\t"<<c; cout<<"\tAddress of double:\t\t"<<&d; cout << "\nvalue for unsigned short:\t" << varshort; cout << "\tAddress of unsigned short:\t" << &varshort << "\n"; cout << "value for unsigned long:\t" << varlongunsigned; cout << "\tAddress of unsigned long:\t" << &varlongunsigned << "\n"; cout << "value for signed long:\t\t" << varlongsigned; cout << "\tAddress of signed long:\t\t" << &varlongsigned << "\n"; return 0; }