====== VIM - Config - Using Vim with no plugins ====== set nocompatible number cursorline expandtab hlsearch visualbell tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 syntax on **NOTE:** * **nocompatible**: Stops odd issues. * Example: Using arrow keys in INSERT mode will send key sequences that are misinterpreted by vi. * **number**: Turn on line numbers. * **cursorline**: Highlight the current line. * **expandtab**: Convert tabs to spaces. * **hlsearch**: Highlight all search matches. * **visualbell**: Stop Vim from beeping at you when you make a mistake. * **tabstop**: Set tab size in spaces (this is for manual indenting). * **shiftwidth**: The number of spaces inserted for a tab (used for auto indenting). * **syntax on**: Enable basic syntax highlighting. To try out this basic configuration use the **-u** flag. For example: * Start Vim with no configuration, and then manually apply the configuration as shown above: vim -u NONE * Or put the config into a separate file and start Vim with that configuration instead of your normal one vim -u ~/.vimrc-basic ----