====== VIM - Cheatsheet - Marks and positions ====== :marks - list of marks ma - set current position for mark A `a - jump to position of mark A y`a - yank text to position of mark A `0 - go to the position where Vim was previously exited `" - go to the position when last editing this file `. - go to the position of the last change in this file `` - go to the position before the last jump :ju[mps] - list of jumps Ctrl + i - go to newer position in jump list Ctrl + o - go to older position in jump list :changes - list of changes g, - go to newer position in change list g; - go to older position in change list Ctrl + ] - jump to the tag under cursor **NOTE:** To jump to a mark you can either use a backtick (`) or an apostrophe ('). Using an apostrophe jumps to the beginning (first non-black) of the line holding the mark.