====== Ubuntu - Tripwire - Set Up Email Notifications ====== vi /etc/tripwire/twcfg.txt and set the following fields MAILNOVIOLATIONS =true EMAILREPORTLEVEL =3 REPORTLEVEL =3 SYSLOGREPORTING =true MAILMETHOD =SMTP SMTPHOST = ;SMTPHOST =mail.sharewiz.net SMTPPORT =25 ---- ===== Another method ===== Use the mail command to mail Tripwire notifications to an email address. Install the files: sudo apt-get install mailutils Test a tripwire report. This report will have warnings and changes too, since we just installed new software without telling tripwire: sudo tripwire --check | mail -s "Tripwire report for `uname -n`" your_email@domain.com Setup a cron job to call this regularly if required.