====== Ubuntu - Swap - Increase Swap Size ====== Recent releases of Ubuntu use swap file instead of the traditional swap partition. * The swap file is simply a file under the root which is used as swap to share the burden on the RAM. * The biggest advantage of using a swap file is that it is easy to resize. * That’s not always the case when a dedicated swap partition is used. **IMPORTANT:** * If you are using a swap partition and want to increase the swap size, you can still go ahead and create a swap file. * Linux can use multiple swap spaces as needed; and this way, there is no need to touch the partition. ---- ===== Check if there is a swap file in the system ===== swapon --show returns: NAME TYPE SIZE USED PRIO /swapfile file 4G 2.1G -2 **NOTE:** This shows that there is a swapfile. * **TYPE**: If this shows **file**, it indicates that a swap file is being used. ---- ===== Take the swap file offline ===== Before resizing the swap file, turn the swap off. sudo swapoff /swapfile **NOTE:** The command does not produce any output and it may take a few minutes to complete. Make sure that there is enough free RAM available to take the data from swap file. * Otherwise, create a temporary swap file. ---- ===== Resize the swap file ===== sudo fallocate -l 4G /swapfile ---- ===== Mark this file as a swap file ===== sudo mkswap /swapfile **NOTE:** There should be some output where it warns you that the old swap signature is being wiped. ---- ===== Enable the swap file ===== sudo swapon /swapfile **NOTE:** All done! * The new swap file is created with the increased swap size. ---- ===== Check the swap size ===== swapon --show ---- free -h returns: total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 62Gi 10Gi 886Mi 364Mi 50Gi 50Gi Swap: 4.0Gi 2.1Gi 1.9Gi ----