====== Sound ====== ===== Applications ===== [[Ubuntu:Sound:alsamixer|alsamixer]] [[Ubuntu:Sound:ffmpeg|ffmpeg]] [[Ubuntu:Sound:lame|lame]] [[Ubuntu:Sound:mp3check|mp3check]] [[Ubuntu:Sound:MusicBrainz Picard|MusicBrainz Picard]] [[Ubuntu:Sound:PulseAudio|PulseAudio]] [[Ubuntu:Sound:sox|sox]] ---- ===== Bitrate ===== [[Ubuntu:Sound:Bitrate|Bitrate]] [[Ubuntu:Sound:Bitrate:Change Bitrate|Change Bitrate]] ---- ===== Conversion ===== [[Ubuntu:Sound:Convert AAC to MP3|Convert AAC to MP3]] [[Ubuntu:Sound:Convert AC3 to MP3|Convert AC3 to MP3]] [[Ubuntu:Sound:Convert FLAC to MP3|Convert FLAC to MP3]] [[Ubuntu:Sound:Convert MP4 to MP3|Convert MP4 to MP3]] [[Ubuntu:Sound:Convert OGG to MP3|Convert OGG to MP3]] [[Ubuntu:Sound:Convert WAV to MP3|Convert WAV to MP3]] [[Ubuntu:Sound:Convert WMA to MP3|Convert WMA to MP3]] ---- ===== Microphone ===== [[Ubuntu:Sound:Enabling mic to work for Skype|Enabling mic to work for Skype]] [[Ubuntu:Sound:Test Microphone|Test Microphone]] ---- ===== Recording ===== [[Ubuntu:Sound:Recording audio from the command line|Recording audio from the command line]] ---- ===== Troubleshooting ===== [[Ubuntu:Sound:Troubleshooting|Troubleshooting]] ---- ===== Volume ===== [[Ubuntu:Sound:Change the volume|Change the volume]] ---- ===== TODO ===== [[Ubuntu:Sound:Fix mp3 files|Fix mp3 files]] [[Ubuntu:Sound:Get MP3 File Encoding Specs|Get MP3 File Encoding Specs]] [[Ubuntu:Sound:Introduction to mp3|Introduction to mp3]] [[Ubuntu:Sound:mp3 best practice|mp3 best practice]] [[Ubuntu:Sound:mp3 tags|mp3 tags]] [[Ubuntu:Sound:Playlists|Playlists]] [[Ubuntu:Sound:Set Default Sound Card To Use|Set Default Sound Card To Use]] ---- ===== References ===== http://www.mp3-tech.org/ http://lame.sourceforge.net/links.php http://stefaanlippens.net/audio_conversion_cheat_sheet/ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure https://itsfoss.com/fix-sound-ubuntu-1304-quick-tip/