====== Ubuntu - Networking - Measure the amount of data that is sent by a server to the outside ====== ===== Problem ===== We want to measure the amount of data that is sent by a server to the outside (to the Internet), but the device is in the DMZ-or a local network. Assuming: * Server we want to check exists in this range: * The PC we are using to obtain the measurement of the server is also in the same range. If, whilst on the server, we used some networking commands to try to obtain this measurement, these commands will actually increase that total. So to get a true figure of the Server only, we need to subtract any other data in the same network range. ---- ===== Solution ===== One of many solutions: Add the following iptables rules: iptables -t mangle -I POSTROUTING -d ! iptables -t mangle -I POSTROUTING 2 -d **NOTE:** The firewall rules do not have to (j ...) as they only update a counter (available with the command: iptables -t mangle -v -S or iptables -t mangle -L -v) * The first rule catches all outgoing packets to a network other than the Server (in the example * The second rule captures packets sent to the address This would be the Server. **NOTE:** Subtract the first value from the of the other, which does the following script: #!/bin/bash # R1="\-A POSTROUTING -d !" R2="\-A POSTROUTING -d" RES_NOT_LAN=$( iptables -t mangle -S POSTROUTING -v | grep "$R1" ) RES_LO=$( iptables -t mangle -S POSTROUTING -v | grep "$R2" ) TOTAL_NOT_LAN=$( echo "$RES_NOT_LAN" | awk '{ print $NF }') TOTAL_LO=$( echo "$RES_LO" | awk '{ print $NF }') TOTAL=$(( $TOTAL_NOT_LAN - $TOTAL_LO )) echo $TOTAL