====== Ubuntu - Networking - IPv6 - Unicast, anycast, multicast - IPv6 multicast ====== **IPv6 multicast** works by nodes joining multicast groups by sending Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) report messages. **NOTE:** A **node** is an interface enabled for IPv6. * Router is any node that forwards IPv6 packets that are not expressly addressed to it. * Host is any node that is not a router. Multicast groups are not constrained by local or global (network) geography. * Whether the host is on the local network or on the internet, as long as it is signaling to join a multicast group, it can receive multicast packets sent to that group. Any host can be a sender, whether it is part of the multicast group or not. * Only hosts part of the multicast group are receivers. * Hosts can join or leave multicast groups dynamically at any time. ---- [[Ubuntu:Networking:IPv6:Unicast, anycast, multicast:IPv6 multicast:IPv6 multicast addresses: FF00::/8|IPv6 multicast addresses: FF00::/8]] [[Ubuntu:Networking:IPv6:Unicast, anycast, multicast:IPv6 multicast:Well-known IPv6 multicast addresses|Well-known IPv6 multicast addresses]]