====== Ubuntu - Networking - DNS - Flush DNS ====== ===== View the statistics of our DNS cache ===== resolvectl statistics returns: DNSSEC supported by current servers: no Transactions Current Transactions: 0 Total Transactions: 3554 Cache Current Cache Size: 0 Cache Hits: 13 Cache Misses: 84731 DNSSEC Verdicts Secure: 0 Insecure: 0 Bogus: 0 Indeterminate: 0 ---- ===== Flush the cache ===== resolvectl flush-caches **NOTE:** This should reduce the Cache Size entry reset to 0. * This works for both Ubuntu Server and Ubuntu Desktop. ---- ===== The Older Method ===== sudo systemd-resolve --flush-caches ---- Check the statistics in order to make sure that your cache size is now zero, thus cleared: sudo systemd-resolve --statistics returns: DNSSEC supported by current servers: no Transactions Current Transactions: 0 Total Transactions: 169902 Cache Current Cache Size: 39 Cache Hits: 162 Cache Misses: 190 DNSSEC Verdicts Secure: 0 Insecure: 0 Bogus: 0 Indeterminate: 0 ----