====== Ubuntu - Networking - Cheatsheet ====== ^Command^Description^ |ifconfig|Display the link and address status of active interfaces.| |ip addr show|Display the link and address status of active interfaces.| |route -n|Display all the routing table in numerical addresses.| |ip route show|Display all the routing table in numerical addresses.| |arp|Display the current content of the ARP cache tables.| |ip neigh|Display the current content of the ARP cache tables.| |plog|Display ppp daemon log.| |ping google.com|Check the Internet connection to "google.com".| |whois google.com|Check who registered "google.com" in the domains database.| |traceroute google.com|Trace the Internet connection to "google.com".| |tracepath google.com|Trace the Internet connection to "google.com".| |mtr google.com|Trace the Internet connection to "google.com" (repeatedly).| |dig [@dns-server.com] example.com [{a|mx|any}]|Check DNS records of "example.com" by "dns-server.com" for a "a", "mx", or "any" record.| |iptables -L -n|Check packet filter| |netstat -a|Find all open ports| |netstat -l --inet|Find listening ports.| |netstat -ln --tcp|Find listening TCP ports (numeric).| |dlint example.com|Check DNS zone information of "example.com".|