====== Ubuntu - Mouse - Mouse shortcuts with xbindkeys - Start xbindkeys ====== By default xbindkeys does not start on reboot and therefore can be added to the startup process if required. * Follow any process for starting this automatically as required. **xbindkeys** needs to be started to work. ---- ===== Run it Manually ===== xbindkeys **NOTE:** This can be used when testing. ---- ===== Start xbindkeys when starting xorg ===== Edit **~/.xinitrc** and add: xbindkeys & **NOTE:** The **&** means it will start in the background and the rest of the script will continue to run. * If a display manager is used, xbindkeys can be started in a script named **~/.xprofile**. * The display manager will run that **~/.xprofile** script after it has started Xorg and before it starts your desktop. * Create that **.xprofile** file and make it executable with **chmod +x ....**. * For its contents, the following could be used: #!/bin/bash xbindkeys &