====== Ubuntu - Grub - Password Protect Grub Bootloader ======
sudo grub
At the "grub>" prompt type md5crypt:
grub> md5crypt
Enter a password at the Password: prompt, preferably something other than root password:
Password: *****
It will then give you the password encrypted:
Encrypted: $1$Rdv455345ga345GvIRgXWxcF1Vjb7tZ//
Copy the encrypted password into the clipboard.
Edit **/boot/grub/menu.lst**:
vi /boot/grub/menu.lst
After you see title SUSE Linux 10.0 on the next line type lock.
On the following line type password md5 [the encrypted password you copied from previous shell]:
###Don't change this comment YaST2 identifier: Original name: linux###
title SUSE Linux 10.0
password md5 $1$Rdv455345ga345GvIRgXWxcF1Vjb7tZ//
root (hd0,1)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda2 vga=0x31a selinux=0
resume=/dev/hda1 splash=silent showopts
initrd /boot/initrd
**NOTE**: You may do the above steps for each grub boot item.