====== Ubuntu - GPU - AMD GPU - Setup - Setup using the AMD Installer Script - Use case options ======
===== Determine what use case to use for the install =====
Use cases allow users to install only a subset of the parts concerning them, resulting in smaller installation footprint and faster installs/upgrades.
* See https://rocm.docs.amd.com/en/latest/deploy/linux/install_overview.html
There are various use cases that can be installed.
* There is no need to select alternative use cases, as the default should work fine.
* However, some use cases may be helpful, such as
* **rocm** - for users and developers requiring full ROCm stack.
* **lrt** - for users of applications requiring ROCm runtime.
* **opencl** - for users of applications requiring OpenCL on Vega or later products.
* **openclsdk** - for application developers requiring ROCr based OpenCL.
* **hip** - for users of HIP runtime on AMD products.
* **hiplibsdk** - for application developers requiring HIP on AMD products.
To display a list of available use cases:
sudo amdgpu-install --list-usecase
**NOTE:** If the **--usecase** option is not present, the default selection is **graphics,opencl,hip**.
===== Install Options for the AMD Stack =====
There are various installation options that can be chosen, including:
==== A basic install ====
A basic install without any arguments, should be sufficient.
sudo amdgpu-install
==== To install a single use case ====
sudo amdgpu-install --usecase=rocm
==== To install kernel-mode driver ====
sudo amdgpu-install --usecase=dkms
==== To install multiple use cases ====
sudo amdgpu-install --usecase=hiplibsdk,rocm
**TIP:** Adding **-y** as a parameter to **amdgpu-install** skips user prompts (for automation).
Example: amdgpu-install -y --usecase=rocm