====== Ubuntu - GPU - AMD GPU - Setup - Setup using the AMD Installer Script - Install options ====== ===== Non-Interactive Install ===== Using the argument **-y** informs the package management system to assume a yes answer for any interactive questions. * This option allows the installation script to be itself embedded inside other automated scripts. amdgpu-install –y ---- ===== OpenGL ===== OpenGL is an integral part of the Graphics Stack and unless headless installation is requested, OpenGL support will be installed. ---- ===== OpenCL ===== OpenCL is an optional component of the Graphics Stack and is only installed if specifically requested. Two different implementations of OpenCL (legacy & rocm) are provided and can be installed side-by-side on the target system. Some examples below: amdgpu-install --opencl=legacy amdgpu-install --opencl=rocm amdgpu-install --opencl=legacy,rocm **NOTE:** The recommendation is to use **legacy** for Polaris and earlier, **rocm** for Vega and later. * rocm for newer GPUs. ---- ===== Vulkan ===== Vulkan support can be installed by using the **--pro** argument.: amdgpu-install –pro ---- ===== PX platform support ===== To enable PowerExpress support, use the **px** argument as follows: amdgpu-install –px ---- ===== Install from Server ===== --online Force installation from an online repository --version=VERSION Install the specified driver VERSION ---- ===== Headless Installation ===== --headless Headless installation (only OpenCL support) ---- ===== Specific Package Management ===== More advanced functionality can be obtained by providing the installation script with arguments to pass through to the package management software of the operating system you are using. Users of Ubuntu and Redhat would use apt and yum respectively. For more information on these packages, see their man pages. * Ubuntu/Debian : https://linux.die.net/man/8/apt * Redhat/Fedora : https://linux.die.net/man/8/yum ---- ===== Running OCL/Vulkan applications outside an X session ===== Ensure that your user account is a member of the "video" group prior to using the OCL/Vulkan driver. Find which groups you are a member of with the following command: groups To add yourself to the video group you will need sudo privileges: sudo usermod -a -G video $LOGNAME **NOTE:** You will need to log out and in again to activate this change. ---- ===== References ===== https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/faq/amdgpupro-install