====== Ubuntu - aptitude - aptitude cheat sheet ====== ^Syntax^Description^ |aptitude|Running it with no arguments brings up a curses based interface to search, navigate, install, update and otherwise administer packages.| |aptitude install |Install software for the system, installing needed dependencies as well.| |aptitude -d install |Download packages to the package cache as necessary, but do not install or remove anything.| |aptitude remove |Remove packages as well as orphaned dependencies.| |aptitude purge |Remove packages and orphaned dependencies as well as any configuration files left behind.| |aptitude search |Search for packages in the local apt package lists.| |aptitude update|Update the local packages lists.| |aptitude upgrade|Upgrade any installed packages that have been updated.| |aptitude clean|Delete any downloaded files necessary for installing the software on the system.| |aptitude dist-upgrade|Upgrade packages, even if it means uninstalling certain packages.| |aptitude show |Show details about a package name.| |aptitude autoclean|Delete only out-of-date packages, but keep current ones.| |aptitude hold |Fix a package at its current version, and do not update it.|