====== Ubiquiti - Login Credentials - Change Login Credentials ====== The Username, Password, and SSH keys can be changed: - Log into the UniFi controller. - Go to **Settings** - click the gear icon towards the bottom-left of the page. - Navigate to the **System** section. - Set the desired changes in the **Network Device SSH Authentication** section. - Click **Apply Changes**. **NOTE:** After applying the changes, the adopted access points should automatically update with the new credentials. * It is suggested to wait for a few minutes here. If the new credentials do not work, then force the changes onto an access point by doing the following: - Log into the UniFi controller. - Go to **Devices**. - Click on an access point that needs updating - this will pop open a panel on the right side of the page. - Click the **Settings** icon - it looks like a gear. - Click **Manage**. - Click **Provision**. **NOTE:** The status of the access point will change to **Provisioning**. * Once the status of the access point has changed back to **Connected**, you should be able to SSH into the access point using the updated credentials.