====== Ubiquiti - Access Points - Access Point not showing up in pending devices ====== ===== SSH into AP ===== Run: ssh admin@ admin@'s password: returns BusyBox v1.25.1 () built-in shell (ash) ___ ___ .__________.__ | | |____ |__\_ ____/__| | | / \| || __) | | (c) 2010-2020 | | | | \ || \ | | Ubiquiti Networks, Inc. |______|___| /__||__/ |__| |_/ https://www.ui.com/ Welcome to UniFi UAP-AC-Mesh-Pro! ACMeshPro1-BZ.v4.3.20# ---- ===== Get Information about the AP ===== info returns: Model: UAP-AC-Mesh-Pro Version: MAC Address: 78:8a:20:b0:7f:9c IP Address: Hostname: ACMeshPro1 Uptime: 232876 seconds Status: Connected ( **NOTE:** The Status line at the bottom may indicate something like: Status: Not Adopted ( In this case, you may want to try the options below. ---- ===== Inform Cloudkey to Adopt ===== set-inform http://ip.address.of.cloudkey:8080/inform * Where the **ip.address.of.cloudkey** is either a private address if it is local or the public address if it is remote. returns: Adoption request sent to 'http://ip.address.of.cloudkey:8080/inform'. Use the Controller to complete the adopt process. ---- ===== Get Information Again ===== info **NOTE:** Check if the Status line shows this is adopted. If adopted then all done, otherwise try the rest of the statements below... ---- ===== Reset AP and try to Re-Adopt ===== - Disconnect the AP from the network. Wait about 5 minutes but no more than 10. - Log into the Controller on the Cloud Key and ensure that the AP is not present in any state. If it is then forget it, **Devices -> AP -> Config -> Manage Device -> Forget**. - Power up the AP but leave it disconnected from the network for now, wait until the AP LED is solid. Then press the reset button for just over 10 seconds, the AP will reboot and then come up as solid white. - Power down the AP and then connect it back into your network and power up. Do not attempt to adopt it yet. - Once it is powered up and has a solid white LED, ssh into it using the username ubnt and password ubnt and then issue the command: upgrade https://dl.ui.com/unifi/firmware/U7PG2/ - The AP will then upgrade and you should be able to adopt it. - Once it is adopted then you will need to enable the Uplink Connectivity Monitor on the Controller and allow the AP to mesh with other Unifi APs **NOTE:** If that does not work then try plugging the AP into a different port of the switch, or trying a different switch or using a power adapter. ----