====== Systems - Docker Main - Install Docker Containers - Install Watchtower ====== **Watchtower** monitors the running containers for changes to the image. **NOTE:** Once install, it requires no interaction. * It will automatically update and restart other containers. ---- ===== Install Watchtower ===== Within the Docker Main host, run: docker run -d \ --name watchtower \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ containrrr/watchtower ---- ===== Confirm Watchtower is running ===== Open Portainer. Press **F5** to refresh. **NOTE:** This should show the Watchtower container running. ---- ===== Edit Restart Policy ===== Within Portainer: * Select the Watchtower Container. * Click the **Duplicate/Edit** * Scroll down to **Advanced Container Settings**. * Select **Restart Policy**. * Change to **Unless Stopped**. * Click **Deploy the Container**. * Click **Replace**. **NOTE:** This ensures that the container starts automatically if the host is restarted. ---- ===== References ===== https://github.com/containrrr/watchtower https://containrrr.dev/watchtower/